Chapter 7

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James' POV

as I woke up this morning, I found me in my bed with whip cream on my nose. KENDALL. He is also known as the pranker of the group!

I then felt my jeans vibrating. What the-? Oh yea. The phone. I was going to call the girl when i finish breakfast but since all the boys were still asleep, it was time to get revenge. Look out Kendall. All i needed was markers, whip cream and glitter. It was perfect!

Then I went to the kitchen and made breakfast for everyone. Soon Carlos woke up and followed the smell of bacon. He knew what Kendall did and he told me what happened. I told about my prank. He laughed! Soon Logan was up and we told home about the prank.

When breakfast was done, we heard the loudest scream, I think the neighbourhood heard it.

Kendall came in with a big mess on his face. We all couldn't help it but laugh. Carlos was on the floor laughing really hard.

Kendall came and jumped on me and we tackled each other. All of us were laughing except for Logan.

'Violence is never the answer. We should all just forget the past and think about the future' he was blabbering about. Me and Kendall were pushing him down and tackling him. We all had the best time.

Then I remembered THE PHONE! I got it out and dialled the home number. In her phone I found out her name was Natalie. Someone picked up.

J 'hello?'

Natalie's mum 'hi'

J 'is Natalie there'

NM 'yea sure ill get her for you'

J 'thankyou'

N 'hello?'

J 'hi Natalie. I found ur phone yesterday at the concert and I was calling to say I have it. I'm not a robber don't worry!'

N 'OMG thankyou so much!! I have been looking everywhere for it!

J 'ps, I like ur screen saver.'

N 'thank you. Wait, who is this?'

J 'James Maslow'

N 'R U SERIOUS?!?!?!'

J 'yep. I wouldn't lie'

N ' oh ok. Uh.. Soo how am I supposed to get my phone if you are going to be busy?'

J 'come over tomorrow at 1. The boys will also be here. Pls were staying in Australia for 2 years, I'm not busy.

N 'oh ok. thankyou. Can I bring my bestie. She is also a huge fan. '

J 'sure.'

N 'thankyou. See you tomorrow. '

J 'bye'

Then she hanged up. She was calm. Just like the girls me and Carlos saw. Could it be them? I hope it is!

Natalie's POV

Camryn heard the me talking on the phone, but she didn't know who it was.

I put the home phone down and had a shocked look on my face.

'Whats wrong Natalie?' She asked

'Whis got ur phone? She started to get a little worried

'Uhhh James Maslow.' I said quietly. I thought she wouldn't of heard it, but she did.

'OMG OMG OMG!!!' She said jumping up and down.

'Guess what? Your coming with me tomorrow to go pick it up. The boys will be there, including Carlos.' I was nudging her shoulder on the last part.

'THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU' she screamed while hugging me.

She called her mum to see if she could sleep another night and she said yes. The rest of the night we were picking what to wear tomorrow. What? We were going to meet our famous crushes!!!! That's huge!!!

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