Chapter 25

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Enjoy! Sorry if some of my chapters are short. I don't know.



Natalie's POV

We got to mine and James' house. Everyone was so eager to go inside since no ones been inside it yet. I had the keys so to annoy the eager kids, I unlocked the door really slowly and then opened the door. Logan and Kendall still weren't here so we said we wouldn't start the sleepover until they got here.

We went inside and got things ready. We put bean bags in the living room, put heaps of food out, dimmed the lights as put a stack of DVDs next to the DVD player. We then put in a cd in the CD player and got it ready to play for whenever we want to play it.

When everything was ready, we all sat on the bean bags and watched tv until Kendall, Logan and their girlfriends got here.

After a few minutes, there was a knock in the door. I ran to the door and opened it to see Kendall. Although his girlfriend looked very familiar I just couldn't put a name to the face.

They walked in and Camryn gave me a shocked look. Then Kendall introduced his girlfriend. "Guys, this is my girlfriend, Haylee." Haylee then waved at everyone and said hi while everyone said hi and waved back.

When Haylee waved to Camryn, she waved really slowly then put her hand down. They both gasped then screamed in unison "I KNOW YOU!" They smiled and hugged each other. We gave them both a confused look and Camryn rolled her eyes.

"This is Ashley, my sisters best friend. They've been best friends ever since I was one. And my sister is two years older than me" wow! That's a long time. I think 2 decades? Wow!

Haylee chuckled as everybody made an 'o' with they're mouths. Just then, there was another knock on the door and this time James got the door and of course, it was Logan. He walked in with his girlfriend and that looked so familiar and suddenly I screamed


"As you can see, my girlfriends name is Chantel. And how do you two know each other?" Logan said confused as I ran and gave Chantel a huge hug.

"We're cousins! But whenever I go to her place to see her, she's never home. I ask her parents and they say that she's with her boyfriend. Now that I know the boyfriend, I can blame him" I said glaring at Logan. He just glared back.

After a loooong hug with Chantel, we went back to playing whatever we were playing. I zoned out for a little bit but now I think we're playing truth or dare or double dare.

I only zoned out because no one chose me, until now. "I double dare Natalie and James to..." Carlos started while tapping his chin as in deep thought.

Whatever he's going to chose, I'm telling you, with Carlos, it's not good.

"Hmmmmmm. What's something.... Embarrassing you two can do. There's so much ideas in my head since you two are a couple.... I just can't choose one..."

Uh oh. Nonononononononono

"I KNOW!" Camryn screamed before whispering something in Carlos' ear. His eyes suddenly went wide. "I actually never thought of that. Thanks babe." He said kissing Camryn's cheek.

He then turned to face me and then looked at James, then at me, then James. "I- we dare you two to-..."

(A/N) sorry I felt like a cliff hanger and to tell you the truth I have no idea what the dare is so yeah

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