Chapter 21

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Some1 looke like they really wanted me 2 keep writing so.. Ill continue. But still pls comment or vote cause I don't think I've gotten any votes. And I like when people comment cause I know their enjoying the book





Camryn's POV

Great. How am I going to tell Carlos. Why did my cousin that ms overseas have to get hit by a bus and not someone close.

Well I have to go to France for a month and be away from Carlos for a month. That just really sucks.

'Hey babe you ok? You look like ur concentrating really hard' his voice made me jump out of my thoughts and back to reality.

I looked at him straight in the eyes and took a deep breath in. 'hey do you mind if I leave for a month?' I asked him really fast so he hopefully wouldn't understand but I guessed wrong.

'What! Why? Where are you going? When are you going?' I took a deep breath and answered all his questions.

I'm leaving for a month. My cousin got hit by a bus and my family and I are going to see them. I'm going to France and I leave next week. I'm so sorry I should of told you sooner.'

He took a deep breath in and out and whispered 'its ok. And I hope she feels better. ' he pulled me into a hug and whispered something in my ear.

'I promise u I will be waiting here for you when you come back.' It made me smile at the thought that he will still love me.

I mean, not a lot can happen in a month right? Right?

-------------1 week later---------------

Carlos' POV

Well, today Camryn's leaving. I practically see her everyday and now I can't see her for a month. I keep saying in my head 'its just a month, it's just a month', but that wasn't working.

We were all now at the airport and trying to avoid all the chaos going on outside. We got out of the car and forgot to put on some disguise and fans chased us.

We got in and ran to the bathrooms and we made each other look totally different to how we normally look. So now the fans and paparazzi don't know where we are. Yes!

I do love the fans but we almost got killed by a group of them!

As Camryn hugged each of us, her flight got called out and she started to leave. She then stopped and turned to face me and I mouthed 'I promise' to her. She smiled, then turned and left.

On the ride home, it was quiet. A little too quiet. It was an awkward silence so I wanted to break it. I hate awkward silences. 'What do u guys wanna do today? It's 11:45, we have time.

They all looked at me weirdly and Logan laughed a little. He always knew I hated awkward silences and that I just said that to break it.

We got home and I went to my room. Camryn scent was still in my room. I already missed her. I walked to her room and looked around.

Then something caught my eye. It's a scrapbook that says on the front 'me and you'. Above the writing was a picture of me and her with me holding the camera and us kissing.

I smiled as I opened the book. It was beautiful. Through it was saying about love and pictures of me and her, and some of the whole 8 of us. And I mean BTR+ their girlfriends.

I laughed at a few funny ones and when I turned the last page I wanted to cry of joy and because I miss her. It was a picture of me and her getting ready for a party. She was wearing a short sleeveless purple dress and I was in a blue dressy shirt with black pants. Underneath the picture was the nicest note I've ever read.

'Carlos, if I ever loose you, I might die. True love is so hard to find, that's why I feel so blessed to  have a heart filled with love like yours and mine. And love isn't about finding someone you can live with, it's about finding someone you can't live without. And I can't live without you Carlos.'

I just wanted to cry there and then. I meant so much to her and she meant so much to me. I don't want to loose her.

Just as I was about to leave her room, my phone rang. When I checked the ID, I saw it was Carly Rae jepson. I answered and we started talking.

'Hi Carlos'

'Hey Carly. What's up?'

Oh nothing. I just wanted to know if you wanted to hang out for lunch tomorrow. I've finally got a day off and I wanted to see a friend. '

'Umm. I think I'm not busy tomorrow. Ok. '

'Great! Wanna go to maccas?'

'Yea sure. Why not.'

'Great! Meet me there at 1. Bye Carlos. '

'Bye Carly'

*Call ended*

Awkward. Why would she call me just for that. She couldn't even say 'hey. How ya doin?'  Does she want something?

---skipping next day and up to lunch---

'Hey Carlos'

'Hey Carly'

'Hi how- (phone rings) I gotta take this 1 sec. '

'Ok. Ill be inside'

This was really weird. She has never called me and I've never called her. What does she want? Who knows!'

My Love For You // Big Time RushWhere stories live. Discover now