Chapter 4

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The next day

I didn't realize wen I fell asleep until I felt someone kissing my shoulder.

"Morning baby. I know your awake." He says.

I really didn't want to respond but I knew if I didn't then I would get hit or worse be raped again.

"What time is it?" I asked.

''Don't worry about the time babe. For now you just get to stay in this hotel and don't get to move until I come back from my interviews." He says. 

"But why? " Bad mistake

"Listen here and listen good. I say when and where you get to be now. Now if you don't listen then your daughter pays the price.'' He says having a hard grip on my chin.

"I'm sorry its just I need to know if my daughter is okay" I said weakly.

"Look I told you before she is okay. For being rude and arrogant towards me you now I have to be blindfolded and taped on the mouth. " He says.

I really don't know what was possessing this man but I was starting to fear him even more. He was literally looking through his bag until I see him take out his tape. He was grinning towards me when he was walking to me.

"You see Luna I get what I want and if you misbehave then we have a problem. I like you but your mouth just seems to get you in trouble. Now do you have anything to say or do I have to tape you up and blindfold you?' He says smirking.

I feel weak and I just want to cuss him out but knowing he had the advantage right now made me feel weak. I had to swallow my pride before I said " I'm sorry master." I said with a burning passion.

"Master eh. Hmm maybe I should reconsider what I should do  to you then." He says throwing the tape somewhere and came face to face with me.

"I think a good luck kiss for me is in order. " He says leaning in.

I was still scared and knowing I was still tied, tired, soar, and desperate to get out of here I kissed him. He made the kiss quick until I felt him touch my thighs.

"I'll be back soon and I think a little more of last night would suit us both. I really enjoyed muyslef and I can same the same for you. Just think of what your daughter would think if she knew I was going to be her step father." He says smirking.

"You will never be her father. As much as I thought you were a good person I take it all back. Your nothing but a scumbag, and a street dog who only takes pleasure from others to destroy them." I said. I meant every single word and by the look on his face I really would be facing a beating from him now.

"Oh little slut big of a mistake you just made. I was about to let you go and see your daughter but I guess she will just have to be motherless for about a few more hours or maybe days. It's  a shame she can't always with her mother." He says getting off the bed.

"You leave her out of this. The only reason I agree t0o do this is so you would leave us alone right after." I said confident now.

"Well if you think it was going to work your dead wrong. You see I'm about to ask Stephanie and Hunter to let me have a storyline with you. your about to be my little valet girl or as I like to call you my slutty cheerleader." He says wrapping a blanket on my naked body.

"they will never agree. your my 2nd worst nightmare, how did I manage to get into a mess like his again. "I  said.

"2nd nightmare eh. Hmm I think I'm starting to like you more and more" He says.

"Just leave and leave me at peace it's best we both have a little distance right now." I said.

"Your right , but remember when I come back I expect you to be ready, no holding back. It's going to be along day for you considering I have the whole night off right after my interviews." He says roughly kissing  me.

He leaves after he put the blanket on me and made sure I was fully covered. He was smirking before leaving and made sure that I was tied up tightly so I wouldn't escape.

2 hours later

After a hard effort of trying to get free all I manage to get off was the blanket that fell to the floor making me be bare naked yet again. I tried pulling and even used my teeth to get the ropes to budge but nothing. Everything was hopeless for me and I was about to give up when I saw a  loose bar on the bed. I tried moving the dress that was tried around me a little and saw that if I pulled then I would be able to remove the hold I had. A pulled as hard as I could and saw the bar flying out. 

I managed to untie myself and grabbed the blanket to cover myself and before I was able to exit the bedroom there he was entering the room.He was not happy. Ii couldn't be the only reason he was so angry and I saw my answer right in front of me, Renee a backstage interviewer was behind him and had my daughter in her arms. I was shocked and relief to know my daughter was okay but Dean's expression said otherwise.

"I take it your Luna." Renee spoke up.

"Yes and you must be Renee." I said.

"Your not allow to talk unless I tell you too.' Dean says moving close to  my face .

"Dean chill , not in front of the kid." She says.

"Fine but i'll deal with you later." He says low so onlyi could hear.

He leavesand leaves Renee, my daughter na di alone.

"So I take it he making you do things your not proud of." she syas.

"Um..did she know what type of guy Dean really was?"

"Look its okay I'm on your side okay. I know what he is doing is wrong but ill help you out. Just stay calm and stay behind me." She says.

"I don't want to upset him more." I said.

 "Just stay calm okay, I'll be there the whole time. Just say what  you want  and there." she says.

"I can't. he has something important to me and I can't risk that." I said looking at the ground.

"I think I know what it is and I won't say anything to anyone. first let's get you changed." She says giving me a bag full of clothes.

"Thank you.' I said.

I really didn't know if I should trust her but knowing my daughter was okay and in good hands for now I guess I can trust her and with my daughter.

"I'll be out there if anything." Renee calls from the other side if the bathroom.

o hear a door close and when I finish changing I see dean and he was on the bed looking at me with a glare.

"You and I need to talk and I'm not taking no as an answer." Her says

 What did he want to talk about?

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Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now