Chapter 12

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Has anyone ever felt like the one you wish you could have was only there to hurt you. Someone to hold is nothing but a nightmare making this worse day by day. Nothing is coming close to what I have to face and how long I can last.

A few days later

Feeling pain in my head I couldn't feel myself move. I tried to open my eye lids but they were to heavy to open. I really cant remember what happen or where I am but I know this can't be good. I try opening my eyes again and this time I see where I am. A room really dim lighted and a man sitting in a chair in front if the bed.

"Hello darling, didn't think you wake up so soon." The man says smirking.

"Where am I? "I said weakly.

"Baby I think you and I both know where were at. All you have to do to get out of those chains is give me what I want and it'll be over." He says.

What is this man talking about? 

"Luna I need you to be a good girl and do as I say. I know you want your daughter to see you alive after this don't you." He says.

I look at him weirdly knowing he would do anything to hurt me. I did not know how to respond to him even when i couldn't even remember my own name. Am i Luna? 

"Who's Luna?" I asked.

He laughs and says" Oh baby I find it hilarious how you don't even know your own name. Hmm I think I just like this innocent you more." The man says coming closer.

"I don't know who you are talking about but I am not this Luna you speak of." I said with a huge headache.

"Baby I had a doctor check on you there is no way you have no idea who you are. I don't take things lightly when I'm lied too." The man says.

"Please let me go. I'll help you find this Luna you speak of." I said hoping i would be able to escape from Dean.

" I'll be right back. I need to get the doctor back here to see if you suffer any brain damage when I brought you up here." I man says stepping out if the room.

How am i going to get away from him f he can see right through my lie? 

Dean's pov

I did know Luna was going to have memory lost after the injection. I must have put to much of the substance that the side effects just had to occur. I didn't know if its a good thing she lost her memory or if its bad. I want her to be mine forever but what if I can't help her remember. Maybe I'll juts have to make her rebuild her life all over again.

I was pacing back and forth in this room until I decided to call someone to help me out.


" I need you to do something and I know its asking much but its for a god reason." I said.

'Dean please tell me it doesn't involve Luna."

"Renee are you with me or against me?' I said annoyed.

"Look your my friend and I care for you but I also care for Luna. You need to tell me if she is okay. You know I was never okay with what you are doing or will do to her." She says.

"She lost her memory. I'm going to rebuild her life and were going to be happy. I need her to know I'm the only one who will be there for her and that I'm the only one allowed to be with her ." I said.

"Dean don't do this. Why are you so infaturated with her?" Renee said.

"I'm not okay. I just need to be near her. She will give me the one thing I've looked for in a woman and that's all that matters. " I said.

"How long do I keep her daughter here. She is very sick You know." Renee said.

"Keep her healthy I Will be bringing her into the family very soon." I said.

"Did you know she had a weak immune system and is on the verge of being diagnosed as being a dialysis child." Renee said.

"Look just make sure she is healthy and safe. All I'm asking is for time okay." I said.

"You better hope nothing bad happens to any of them." She says hanging up.

I know it's going to break her after but for now Luna is mine and she is my woman,wife, and future mother of my child.

Luna's pov

I tried acting confused but even he knows all sort of tricks since he seems to use them on me. What i can help thinking is  Why I'm I tied up? I tried moving and removing the roped but couldn't.

A door opens and Dean comes in.

"Listen good and everything will be okay. You say you don't know who you are but I know who you are okay. It hurts to know that my wife is hurt and chat remember what we have. Everything is going to be okay. Look just stay calm and I'll remove this ropes okay. "He says taking off the ropes.

"Were married?" I asked.

"Yes and before the accident we were trying for a child. I hope you will soon remember so we can start the family we have always wanted." he says.

"Are we really together?"I asked pretending to be shock in front of him.

"Yes now sleep baby. I'm sorry for how I acted earlier. Just sleep and I'll make sure ad doctor checks on you again" he says kissing me on my head before leaving again.

What is going on and why does he refer to me as  his wife? I have a daughter to fight for and if it means tricking Dean for a few days, weeks, or months then so be it. I will figure out why he chose me to be his sex toy.

Okay so this is part one. I'm sorry it's taking me a while to update. School has taken a toll on me and I'll try to update as soon as I can again. Thanks for the support and sorry for a short chapter. Until next time. Please don't forget to comment and vote.

Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora