Chapter 22

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The next day

 Luna's pov 

Not being able to sleep all last night thinking if i would was making the right decision is an understatment. My hands and feet feel like jelly knowing i would have to face what i need to face to be able to move forward. All these years if running away just to end up the same as i always have is not the choice i should have made. My only light is my daughter and she needs me. 

Since that night i have never been the same. I changed in so many ways and i can not say i regret one thing that happen that night. There is many versions to what happen but i know what really happen. I never told anyone what i really did for living but i it was the only way to keep myself safe all these years.  

Pacing back an forth in the living room was not helping at all. i was waiting to see when Dean would come down so we can talk like civilized people if we even get to that point. Hearing steps i knew he was coming down. I knew it was time to say what i have really been through. i need this one man , this one person who in all my years i thought i would have to rely on to believe me. a complete stranger will know the truth about me and the past that even the Mcmahon's never knew. 

Looking foward i see the disgust in his eyes. I see the way he saw me the first time he made me his sex toy. I look like a play toy to him , one he can just use and throw away but not his time. He will hear me and my version about me. He will get to see who i really am and hopefully he will not judge me as others have without getting the chance to even know me. 

"We need to talk Dean." I said confidently. 

"That talk of yours will just have to wait. we have  a plane to catch in an hour and i expect you to do and say as you are told. "He says. 

"Please i need you to know what happen that night and more of who i really am. I need you to be that one person who will believe me please." I said.

"Not happening princess. You see only you take orders and never question. I am not going to listen to what you have to say at all."He says. 

"So you really don't wan t to know what really happen that night then.  I know what you need to know and who that person was." I said. 

His jaw clenched as well as his fist. He knew i had him where i wanted and hopefully this will keep him from hurting me. 

"Talk."Was all he said. 

"I know what really happen that night , those guys they were looking for were only there that one night and left right after. I last heard they were sent to jail for arm robbery.  One even confessed to raping a girl ." I said. 

"I need to now if you were really there or not." He said. 

"Her name is Jenna, right?" 

"Yeah and she was only 17 when she was raped and no one did anything to stop them."  

"Look i never wanted anything to happen. All my life i was betrayed and never once given the chance to prove my innocence. The people who investigated me had me under the witness protection program after i had confessed. I was told to never trust anyone afterwards and that night when i was well betrayed right after. " I said. 

"Why were you there?"He asks trying to control his temper. 

"I thought they were my friends at the time and i never knew they would do that. I was occasionally drugged and never remembered what happen afterwards. i do remember that night since i they were talking about doing something to one of the girls they were going out with. They said she was to innocent to even realize what she was going to get. I knew i should have called the cops when it was going to happen but i didn't. My only regret was never doing the right thing. When i saw that Jenna was the girl they were talking about i knew she would never be the same. ' I said. 

"You knew ,why didn't you protect her. He said.

" I was scared and i was going to be there next victim. They were planning to do the same thing to me. After i ran away from them i was found months later and from there on you can guess how i lived."  I said. 

Dean was trying to hold back what he wanted to say and even punched a wall which stared me. Knowing he he really was scared me but he needed to know that piece of information. 

"You do realize that because of you i lost her ." He says with tears ion his eyes. 

" That can't be true , she was taking to a hospital after someone found her. I know she lived." I said. 

"Yeah she's alive but is living with my greatest enemy." He says. 

"I can tell you she is safe. If they have had her that long and have been using her as bate towards you is because one of them wants something with her.   They never dispose of anyone when there is feelings for that person. " I said. 

"Your lying and you just wasted my time. Your version of a story makes no sense. You are the enemy as well and i will never ever let you go." he says. 

"Dean just know i was just being honest towards you and hopefully one day you will realize that what i did and how i have lived all my life is just a way of me surviving after all things i have had to go through. "i said walking away from him. 

He had to believe me but i guess my mistake was ever telling him about me. My past where i was just abused all my life, betrayed, and never once given the chance. I guess i was just worthless to them and the same can be said to what Dean thinks of me too.  My story of opening to who  i really am is only going to open so far and hoping with just this little information i gave to Dean will give me the confidence to open up and show who i really am. My mask is about to drop and i need all the will power in me to face what i should have done a long time ago and that's live by my real name. the girl they thought was dead but never died. the girl who went through so much just to be given a chance. Well the world is about to see who i really am and Dean will be the first to know. 

So i updated. i feel like this story is going  nowhere and there is a possibility that i might delete/rewrite this book. I'm still thinking about this and whatever choice i make hopefully it will be the right one.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 31, 2016 ⏰

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Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang