Chapter 11

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The next day at the park

Dean had insisted we go to the park so we could try acting like a real family. He had a vision of us actually passing as a family? I really do not know what this man is up too but he has been acting very sweet to me.

I watch as Kathy played in the sand box with other kids while Dean was next to me on his phone. I really did not pay any attention to the man next to me only to my daughter.

"We need to get going." dean said not looking away from his phone.

"Did something come up?" I asked.

"Just get your daughter and lets go. "He says harshly.

I went over to get Kathy not knowing why all of a sudden we had to leave. I pick her up and walked towards dean who was now standing up from the bench.

"Right now I need you two to act as if we having a good time. Some paparazzi were given a hint about us and I don't know if I should let us get caught or not? 'Dean said.

"I thought you didn't want them to know? 'I asked.

 "Look plans change and if i want them to know you and Kathy then I will, and if I don't then will just make a run for it. "He says.

"Please Dean don't let them know Please I can't expose my daughter this way. "I said begging.

"No one knows who you really are do they? "He asks.

"If I say yes will you believe me? 'I asked.

 "Not really considering you seem like the type of girl so many secrets." He says.

"Just please don't let them see her, she is the reason I never want to be seen on social media consider I have been in pics with the McMahon family. " I said.

"If I do this what are you willing to give in return?" He asks.

"Anything you want, just keep her out of  all this." I said.

"Come this way. I think we need to drop little Kathy to auntie Renee for a few hours." He says pulling me towards the parking lot.

A while later

 I didn't know what to expect but after dropping Kathy off with Renee, Dean drove all the way to the desert. I have heard stories that he like to come here to have peace and think with an open mind. I don't know why  he brought me here but I guess ill find out.

"Get change in the back seat.' He says.

"I don't have clothes to change into? "I asked confused.

" I packed you some clothes so change now." He says annoyed.

I step out if the passenger seat and go into the back seat. I see a duffle bag on the bottom and pull it up to the seat . As I open the bag I see a skimpy outfit. as I take out all the clothing I see its just a corset and some booty shorts?

"You better be changing into the outfit or I swear to you  be walking naked."  Dean says from the other side.

I didn't know which I was afraid of most, Dean or the possibility of being naked in the desert.

After fighting with myself for a few minutes I changed into  the outfit I didn't know why dean made me change into this but I knew it wasn't good. As I step out of the car I see that Dean was only in his gym shorts? When did he change?

"looking good baby. Hmm cant wait to take you up there?" He says kissing my lips.

I was going to speak as he pulled away but he silenced me with his finger. He told me just to follow him and if I speak I would get punished

Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu