Chapter 15

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Secret location

Dean's pov

We had finally arrived and yet I was scared of what will happen. I'm already wanted as it seems. WWe isn't going to be happy of how I am handling this situation but we had a deal in where I would have here by my side but it will be far from showing our true relationship. Seeing my angel asleep next to me was a beautiful sight for me to see but knowing I'm a monster towards her makes me feel weak at times. Yes I Dean Ambrose do have a heart but she shouldn't get too close to me. I've been planning on doing things to her for so long but I'm not sure if I can do it. She is an innocent girl who has been lead towards the wrong path but I will make sure she is leaded the right way until the plan is complete.

"So what are we going to do when we land?" Renee asked.

"look were going to be hiding until I figure out how to make sure no one takes her away from me okay.' I said.

"Dean this girl has done nothing wrong towards you. You're kidnapping her and her daughter. Not to mention I'm part of this scheme of yours as well as Roman. "She says.

"Look you agreed, I didn't force you. I get I'm obsessed with the girl but come on Renee wake up. You're the one who goes along with the plans so don't say I pressure you into anything because I don't". I said.

"If you think I won't leave you to do this on your own then your sadly mistaken." She says.

"Will only be here for a month or so. I'll have her all to myself by then and she won't even remember anything. She will think what I tell her to think and there." I said.

"Dean you should know that.....she's cut off by the pilot.

"we are close to landing in our destination, please buckle up your seat belts and we should be there momentarily." The pilot said.

I really don't know how much longer Luna will stay asleep knowing we have been on 2 flights just to get here. I just hope that she will understand why I'm doing this and how I can ruin her if she dare leaves me.

A few hours later

We finally reach the place we will be staying at and let's just hope Roman put all the security I had asked him to put before I left.

"w-w-w-w-where am I? 'Someone said.

"Sshhh baby just sleep for a little while longer. Were almost home." I said carrying her in my arms.

"Dean we need to make sure that Kathy is healthy. I didn't want to tell you what was really wrong with her but you need to know." Renee said.

"What is it? "I asked as we reach the front of the house.

"Kathy seems to be fighting a nasty virus in her kidney's and they said it could lead to her losing one of them if she isn't taken into surgery immediately." Renee says.

"So she is in critical condition as you say?" I asked.

"Dean this isn't a game. Luna's only family is her daughter. You may be tricking her in saying you two are going to be married but I know deep down that she will find out someday. She won't know anything now but you do realize that karma always comes back." She says.

Renee is starting to act really attached to Luna and I can't let that happen. I get she is caring or her but she needs to know her place as well.

"Look if I find out you have been doing things behind my back your going to wish you never meet me." I said as I open the door.

"Too bad Luna knows already." She said quietly.

I just ignored her comment and headed upstairs to put my future wife in our room. As I reach our room she starts to move a little. I quickly make it to the bedroom and lay her on the bed. She moves to her right side and lays there falling asleep again.

I make sure she is asleep before I leave. I head back downstairs to see Renee on the phone. I eavesdrop to hear who she is talking too.

Renee's pov

I really didn't like nor do I actually accept what Dean is doing. He still doesn't know what is coming towards him and I just hope things end on a good note. Dean has been my friend for years but Luna is someone I have found to care for like a sister. She has been hurt and I know something about her that she's been hiding. I'll have to talk to her about that when the time is right. I know I should say something to Dean about her past but maybe for now it wouldn't be the best time knowing that it will only cause more chops than right now. I get cite track when my phone rings.


"Renee we have a bring problem."

"What is it Roman?" I asked.

"Look it seems that little plan of Dean might work after all but there's something else." He says.

"What is it Rome, just spit it out." I said.

"If those two come back married then the whole wwe universe will be informed about it and Luna will be used as a valet for Dean and worse she might be headed into being added a s diva. Vince isn't happy right now and he is looking for a way to get back at dean for going against him." Roman said.

"Rome you can't let that happen .Luna is not a diva. She could be a prime target towards any other diva. She needs to be protected at all times." I said.

"I get that but look whichever way, Vince is already committed in letting this happen. Luna was like a daughter to him but now he sees her nothing but a gold digger and lying whore." He says.

"Did he say that or are you thinking she is one?"I asked him.

"Look you know what I think of her so don't even tell me to answer you that. Second Dean needs to find himself a better woman that her. I get she has had to deal with a lot but she is not the best for him. Luna is a target that will get our friend killed. Be careful yourself Renee your on the top of the list from what I saw from the boss." He says.

"Rome have you had contact with them?' I asked confused and worried.

"I'm sorry but I need to protect my family." He says before hanging up.

Why would Roman do this? How far is that man willing to go to threaten us and use roman as bate? Oh Dena I really do hope you know how endanger we really are.

Dean's pov

I turned away before she hanged up the phone. I acted as if I was coming downstairs and didn't know anything.

"Hey I need you to watch the girls while I'm out. I need to take care of some business before anything." I said.

"Dean please don't go with your plan. I know I said I'd help but something has come up." She says.

" I'll be back. I need to make sure that all the fake ceremony things are ready and make sure Luna is all dressed in her gown. I need to make this look as real as possible." I said.

"no I can't let you do that. She is going to find out or she will be conscious by the time you get back." She said.

"She won't I added an extra dose on her. Make sure she is alright and get a doctor to check on her. Also get all the information you can to ensure that Kathy will get the best treatment she possibly can while were here." I said.

"Do you actually care what happens to them? "She asks.

I didn't want to answer the truth so I just go with a lie.

"No I just need them for the job and that's it. Now no more questions I gotta arrange everything by tonight." I said.

Leaving I noticed that Renee was smart not to say she was on the phone with Rome and what was possibly going on. For now I'll let it slide and I will make sure that my plan goes a s followed.

Luna nothing will make me happier than to have you as mines forever even if it all has to be an act to protect the ones I really care about.

So what you think? I know I promised a better chapter but I hope its okay. What do you think will happen? Does Renee really know Luna's secret or is it something else? Please comment and vote on what you think of the story so far and if there is anything you guys like to see happen.

Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora