Chapter 8

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I'll be skipping a few weeks into the story

 After being in this beautiful beach area Dean had finally decided it was time to head back to reality as in back to our jobs. Noting over the past few weeks had changed only that I might be the verge of being pregnant but I have kept to myself. I've been throwing up lately and it's usually when dean is out doing his normal workout routine I've manage to keep it away from him.

Right now I was alone in the house since Dean had just left for his workout. I didn't know if I should take the test now or not. I fear that he might just come home at any moment and see it. I don't want him knowing I could possibility be pregnant right now. If I was he would win and well he might let me go as he said to me after the incident at the beach. I couldn't bare to see my son/daughter away from just like that no. Dean has made it clear that if I do have his child then ill either be out if the picture or I'll be force to be just be a nanny but never called mom by our child. His rules have been getting more demanding and the sex has been roughly lately but I didn't know why. He was gentle a few times until he then out of the blue seemed frustrated and there was no stopping him. I wanted to ask but I knew my place there not to risk getting hit. 

Since Dean would be gone for maybe another hour I think I should take the test since I have been late for about 2 weeks now.  As I read the instructions I did as I was told and waited till my 4 minutes ere up. Thinking of how this child's life could be ruined made me upset. His /her father isn't the nicest person as I thought but maybe they cold learn to love him the way his is. Waiting and waiting I didn't even hear the front door open. As  I look at the test it still hasn't even been the 4 minutes when he was calling out for me.

" Luna where are you" He calls out.

"I'll be there in a minute." I yelled out.

He couldn't see me doing this . I need to hide this before he sees it. Little did I know he was right behind me.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Nothing I was just..... I didn't know how to answer him.

"Is that a pregnancy test? "He asked.

"Um no.  I said.

" Don't lie to me." He said.

"I'm not lying ." I said.

:So this test in your hands, what is it then? ''He says taking it out of my hands.

" It's nothing okay." I said getting annoyed knowing I won't win this.

"So you thought taking this behind my back wouldn't make me find out either way. you should know that I want to be here for this moment. Why are you hiding this from me." He says pushing me to he wall. 

"Dean please I just needed to know if I was or not. I'm sorry for not telling you." I said with tears coming down.

"oh Luna how could you be so naïve. You knew how badly I want this child to happen and you just keeping it away from just made things worse for you. you see for keeping this a secret from me your daughter will now have to wait another week before seeing you I thought it would have been nice to see her when we left in two days but since this happen you'll both have to wait. "He says harshly.

"Dena I don't even know if I am or not. Please don't take away my chance of seeing her. she needs me please. "I said sobbing now.

"You'll wait and seeing this I guess you'll never know if you are now would you." He said walking away and  talking the test with him.

He may have bought the test but I know there is another one here since I snuck out to get one when he wasn't here. Knowing we weren't to far from a  town I risk getting there just to have a back up if anything came up and knowing he doesn't know about it will help me know if I am pregnant or not.

later that night

Dean and I were in bed with his arms around  me. He always did this so he knew I was by hos side not trying to escape. It felt nice but I was scared he would hurt me during my sleep by basically making me have sex with him. He did it in a few occasion when I was asleep just because he was horny and needed me. I didn't like the fact he was like this when he came back but I knew he was only horny so he could impregnate m fast and he would get the results that he wants.

I needed to take that test so I know but seeing how his arms around me makes me think I might be pregnant. He is not squeezing me like other nights so it could mean I am but I need to know. I carefully moved his hand off of me but he had a small grip on my wrist.

"Baby sleep. If I find out your hiding something from me again i'll make it two weeks. " He said with his eyes still close.

"Dean I just  need to use the bathroom." I said lying.

"I'll come with you. I can't trust you right now." He says waking up.

I go to the bathroom and Dean follows me. I felt weird with him in here but he was facing the opposite  way and by the door.

As I finished not knowing I did  need to go I washed my hands and he grabs my left arm to pull me to him.

He kisses me and moves his tongue around me and asking for entrance. He gets total access and lifts me up. He moves us to the bed putting me down gently.  He then moves his lips to my stomach kissing the fabric and then lifts the shirt up a little. He kisses my stomach again before planting a small peck on it and kissing my lips again.

"Sleep I need both of you to be well rested for our trip back home." he says sleepy. 

I didn't respond knowing he just told me I am pregnant. did he know he just said it or was it down on purpose?

"Dean I'm I.... shhh." He says cutting me off.

" Dean I... he cuts me off again with a kiss this time.

"Luna will talk about this later okay. Just rest our flight is tomorrow morning okay. I changed the flight so we can get everything ready." he says nuzzling close to me.

He is acting so weird and knowing I am carrying this child now i think he is willing to do anything I tell him at this point. I have the power to control him but I need to know with my own eyes and ears that I'm pregnant. I need to make a doctor appointment when we get back wherever it is to find out for now I could just had to hold my joyfulness I felt knowing I would be a mom again.  Dean may be the father if I am but I will not have a child taken away from me no matter what. Oh Dean now your the one falling into my trap and this time i'm in control.

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Persistence: Halls of Light (Dean Ambrose )* On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now