1: Secret

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"Behave." I whispered coldly as the man tied up in front of me started to struggle again. He was being especially difficult. Mostly they just gave up and accepted their death, but this one wasn't going down without a fight.
     "I'll ask you one more time." I said with a slight growl lacing my tone. Slowly, my hand wrapped itself around my Swiss Army knife in my pocket, ready to do what was necessary.
     "What is Chris Brown's address?" I was using a calm tone now but the man was still reluctant to cooperate. This man happened to be one of Chris' makeup artists, and he had come to England for a holiday. But he had fallen right into my trap.
     "I - I'm not sure, I've never -" With one swift movement, my knife was against his throat. He closed his eyes and he started to sob. I smiled at him and kissed him gently on the lips.
     "It's OK. I'm going to be nice to you now and end your suffering." Before he could say another word, I dragged the knife sharply across his throat. His scream was cut short as blood started to spill from his neck, forming a small puddle on the floor. I sighed and untied the body, throwing it over to the pile of my past victims.
     As I made my way upstairs, my phone buzzed. I grinned as I saw Chris' name at the top of the screen. He had just posted a photo. Quickly, I clicked on it and my eyes widened as I saw the picture. The inside of his house. My heart hammered as I read the caption.

Hey, Team Breezy! I'm running a competition over the next few days which will involve three challenges and five winners will be flown over to L.A. where they will stay with me in my house for a week! I wish all of you the best of luck. The first challenge will start tomorrow.

I chuckled darkly once I had finished reading. He was practically inviting me to kill him! This was almost too easy. All I had to do was win those challenges, and my plan would be complete.
     "I love you Chris." I whispered, kissing the screen.


I felt so alone. Even as a celebrity, I still couldn't find decent friends and it was driving me nuts. As I sat on my sofa watching Netflix, I started to think about my fans. They were the ones who kept me going, the ones who always supported me. But I couldn't exactly bring every single one of my fans to my house.
     Suddenly, an idea hit me and I sat bolt upright. Of course! I could make a competition for my fans, and the winners could come and stay with me for a little while. But I would have to make sure that they weren't psychos and that my bodyguards were still around.
     My throat started to burn suddenly and I groaned. I hated it when it did that. With a sigh, I jumped up from the sofa and walked to the glass back door, grabbing my keys. A couple of my dogs decided to speak up at that moment and I growled at them. But it was a sound that was inaudible to human ears. The dogs immediately stopped barking and ran in the opposite direction with their tails between their legs. That would teach them. With a snort of laughter, I turned back to the door and exited the house, locking it and then looking straight ahead at the woods that faced me. Others would see dark, uninviting trees and danger but I saw freedom.
     As I stood there, I closed my eyes. I felt my muscles become stronger and my senses become sharper. My canines started to elongate as I opened my eyes. Turning back to the door, I examined my reflection. Burning red eyes stared back at me and I grinned. But I instantly cursed myself for changing so near my house. My dogs' scent was much stronger now that I was in this form and it was unbearable. What I wouldn't give to sink my teeth into -
No. I needed to control myself. Closing my eyes, I focused on the various scents of the woods and listened to the far off sounds of animals lightly rustling the leaves beneath their feet. My nose locked on one scent in particular, one that was stronger than the rest. With a growl, I started to run, following the delicious scent. I had the ability to run so fast that if a human were to see me, I would be almost invisible. They would most likely just see a slight disturbance in the air. The speed didn't bother me though as my eye sight was so sharp that I could still pick out individual leaves on trees, even though my surroundings should've been a blur.
As I reached my prey, I finally got a good look at it. A wolf padded around a small clearing about twenty metres from me. One of its ears perked up and I knew that it sensed the danger. But it wouldn't be able to outrun me.
I fell into a crouch and drew closer, making sure to stay silent the entire time. It wasn't hard for my enhanced muscles and reflexes. The poor wolf wouldn't know what hit it.
     Suddenly, I jumped. Clearing the twenty metres easily within a single bound, I landed on the animal's back and sunk my teeth into its neck. It howled and tried to run but I held on, feeling the warm blood flow down my throat. The burn started to ease and the wolf went limp, flopping to the ground. I looked at it sympathetically but it had to be done or I could've died. A split second later, I was once again whizzing through the woods, slowing down as my house came into view. I felt my body go back to normal as I unlocked the back door and entered the house, checking that nothing had changed.
     Once again, I was alone in my house with only dogs for company. I was always worried that one day I would lose control and turn on them, but I hadn't so far and that was encouraging. But who knew who I'd attack next?
     Being a vampire really did suck sometimes.

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