28: Taken

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"You're joking." I stated, almost laughing. Indigo couldn't be a werewolf, surely? But it all seemed to add up. The ripped clothes, the running off into the woods, the anger. And in that moment I suddenly felt bad for everything that I'd ever thought of her, including the moments where I had wanted to kill her. She had probably been trying so hard not to rip my head off and I'd been taunting her.
"Nope. She's out in the woods right now." He gave me a wry smile before looking out of the window. I did the same and stared into the trees, looking for her. Sure enough, my eyes detected movement. She came into view.
     A beautiful brown wolf emerged from the trees and stared up at us, her yellow eyes holding far more intelligence than they should've done. She looked at Chris and growled before disappearing into the woods again quickly. Chris chuckled to himself and turned away from the window, falling deep into thought.
     "Why did she growl at you?" I asked in confusion but he just smirked.
     "We're supposed to be sworn enemies because of what we are. And sometimes when she's in that form she can't help her instincts. One of these days she'll try to attack me." He was still smiling, although I didn't know why. What was so funny about someone trying to attack him?
     "Uh, I guess that makes sense. Would she hurt me if I was to go see her right now?"
"I...I honestly don't know. I don't think she would, but I wouldn't do it just in case. Although she is far more intelligent than a wolf, she still has those instincts. I guess that's why they don't allow them to be members of the Council..." He trailed off and started to think again. I frowned.
"What do you mean?" He looked at me and seemed to realise that I was still mostly in the dark about all of this.
"Well, I don't agree with it, but werewolves are seen as the lowest form of supernatural creature. Vampires are the highest, then angels, then demons, then werewolves. Well, that's how it used to be, anyway. I didn't really care much about the system before you guys came along."
"How it used to be? Is it different now?" I knew I was asking too many questions but I just couldn't help myself. I was intrigued.
"Well, there's only five people on the Council now, as one of the Trackers mysteriously disappeared a few years ago. The people on the Council now have been there for hundreds of years, so not much has changed in that aspect. But their rules have changed slightly, in the fact that certain mythical creatures have been outlawed." He looked down at his feet as he said that and I knew that he was reluctant to continue.
     "Which ones?" I whispered, almost sure of the answer.
     "Angels. Angels and demons."


A blood curdling scream woke me from my sleep. My breathing quickened and I listened intently for a second more before changing form to hear the sounds that my human ears wouldn't pick up. Silently, I crept down my hallway and stopped at Scarlett's door, listening out for the steady thumping of her heartbeat.
     I burst into her room, looking around frantically. I should've known. Her covers were thrown back and the window was wide open, the curtains blowing in the wind. As I breathed in, I growled. Carlos' scent was everywhere throughout the room, meaning that he had obviously taken Scarlett.
     Suddenly, I was running. The world whizzed past me in an incomprehensible blur as my feet ate up the ground. I dreaded to think what Carlos had done with her, although I knew that it could've just been a false alarm. But, nevertheless, I had to at least check that she was okay. It had definitely been her that had screamed.
     Her scent hit me with such force that I was blown back. If Carlos had taken her then they could be miles away by now, so the force of the scent only meant one thing. She had been scared out of her mind.
With a growl, I breathed in again and frowned as the scent led into the sky. Maybe Carlos had forced her to fly them somewhere, making it far harder for me to trace them. He had always been smart, especially when it came to things like this. But now, I needed a plan.

"You can track scents too, right?" It sounded like a stupid question but I genuinely didn't know. It was morning and light was streaming through my windows. I stared into the eyes of the person that could possibly be my saviour and she smiled, giving me a slightly incredulous look at the same time.
"Of course I can. I'm part wolf, after all." Indigo said with a shrug and I hugged her in relief. Maybe this could work after all.
"Do you...uh, have a pack?" I asked awkwardly. I didn't know much about this stuff, but I knew that wolves usually travelled in packs.
"I do, but they're back home, in England. I guess I could try to find some more like me around here though. But they'll probably be very territorial so there's a slight chance that I could be killed in the process." I fell deep into thought. Was it worth risking Indigo's life to save Scarlett? I mean, I loved Scarlett but Indigo was important to me too.
"That would help greatly, but I don't want you risking your life." I murmured and she batted my warning away with her hand.
"I'm fine with it, honestly. You've gone through so much as it is and I don't want you losing her as well. I know she's very special to you, Chris." She said with a wry smile and I hugged her again, holding her tightly.
What would I do without Indigo?

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