10: Attack

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I kicked Chris' door down and scanned the room, expecting to see him but he was no where in sight. The lights suddenly started to flicker and I found myself walking forward, even though the room was giving off a bad vibe. The bathroom to my right was unoccupied, and I looked around in confusion. Where could he be? There was no way that he could've possibly escaped.
Out of the corner of my eye, I could've sworn that I saw something crouching on top of the wardrobe but when I turned my head that way, it was gone. Feeling slightly scared, I felt around in my pocket for my Swiss Army knife and clutched it tightly, holding it out defensively in front of me. For the first time in my life, I was terrified and I didn't know why. There was just something completely wrong about this room and every instinct within me was telling me to run.
A low growl reverberated throughout the room and my muscles tensed.
Suddenly, I felt breathing on the back of my neck and became rigid instantly. The breathing stopped as abruptly as it had come and I closed my eyes, trying to concentrate on not throwing up, and turned around.
A sharp pain pierced my shoulder.
I gasped as I saw that whatever had been behind me was now gone. The window smashed and I looked up, but it was too late. It was already gone.
Examining my shoulder closely, I saw two shallow cuts, only about an inch apart, and frowned. What could've possibly done this? I made my way from the room and ran back downstairs, completely shaken up from the events that had just taken place. But what about Chris? Had it killed him?
     The others, who were waiting downstairs in Chris' lounge, looked up as I walked in. Immediately Indigo came up to me, eyes wide with worry. Yep, she was definitely my favourite.
"What's wrong?" Was it really that obvious? Her eyes fell suddenly to my shoulder and she gasped at the two lines of blood that lay there.
"Er...nothing. I just scratched my shoulder on one of Chris' cabinets when I was looking for him." Something within me was telling me to protect whatever had attacked me and it was making me uneasy. I quickly covered up the wound with a tissue and sat down with the rest of them.
     "Did you find him?" Harriet asked impatiently and I shook my head quickly, trying to collect my thoughts.
"Useless bitch." She muttered under her breath and my head snapped up. What did she just call me? I was on top of her in an instant and she yelped in surprise as we crashed to the floor, me pulling at her hair. She screeched for help and the others tried to pull me off of her but I held on, clawing at her face.
Eventually, I gave in and got up, surveying the damage that I had caused. Her hair was lying in clumps on Chris' rug and she had multiple scratches on her face. I smirked and the others glared at me, even Indigo.
"Now, I'm gonna make one thing clear to all of you. Never, and I mean NEVER, get on my bad side. I will mess you up beyond recognition. Understand?" I warned, surveying all of them. They nodded and I stormed out of the room to calm down.
I had the feeling that Harriet wouldn't be bothering me any time soon.


I was running, although I had no memory of what had just happened. The human part of my brain had gone completely while I was in my room, and had only returned when a very familiar scent reached my nose.
Scarlett's blood.
I had jumped out of the window at the smell, as I knew that I would've killed her otherwise. Now I was racing through the woods, faster than the speed of sound, just trying to get away from there. I could worry about everything in the morning. Nothing mattered when the full moon was up.
     Suddenly, an unfamiliar scent hit me. I stopped very abruptly and breathed in, trying to identify it. It was human, but much stronger. I growled as I smelt the familiar scent of roses and blood, which only meant one thing.
     Another vampire.
     Instantly, I was breezing through the woods, the human part of my brain slowly slipping away again as the hunter took over. Another vampire meant another threat. My feet propelled me faster, making me completely invisible to humans. Effortlessly, I dodged the trees and felt the smell get stronger.
     Suddenly, the scent trail led me upwards, into the trees. I jumped from branch to branch nimbly, my teeth itching to rip out the other vampire's throat. As I reached the top of the trees, I looked around wildly and breathed in, trying to work out which way the scent was leading. But it seemed to end right above me.
     Looking up just in time, I dodged out of the way as a figure landed on the branch that I had just been standing on. They had on a long black cape with the hood up, and even my excellent eyesight couldn't make out the features underneath it. The person was completely obscured.
     "Who are you?" I whispered, a sound that was soon swallowed up by the wind. A storm was brewing above me and clouds were obscuring the moon. That was probably why I felt more in control now. The dark figure slowly walked along the branch towards me, a low growl reverberating from its mouth.
     A laugh echoed throughout the woods and I watched as the figure went to draw back its hood. The sleek long fingers reached up and pushed it back, but not before I saw the distinctive tattoo of a skull on its hand that perfectly matched mine.
     "You!" I exclaimed in shock. "What are you doing -" I started but was interrupted.
     "I see you remember me, Chris." The low male voice purred happily and I took a good look at his face. His light brown hair sat on his head in small curls, much like my own, and his fairly tanned face was creased with laugh lines. The eyes that I knew so well stared back into mine, halfway between blue and green. His perfectly white, straight teeth reflected the moonlight beautifully as he smiled. It had been so long.
     "Carlos..." I breathed.

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