5: Control

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My car had been taken in for servicing and my phone had been returned to me. Instantly, I had sent out messages through Twitter and Instagram saying that everything was alright and that I hadn't been hurt.
It was midday the next day and I was on my way to the studio, which I would've reached by car but it was still being serviced. Instead, I moved like a gust of wind and reached the studio in mere seconds. People bustled here and there on the street outside, going about their daily business. I closed my eyes and tuned out the noises around me, listening instead to whatever was going on inside the studio. My ears faultlessly picked up the sounds of hushed voices.
     "I think we should drop Chris from the new record." A voice from inside said, one that I recognised as Trey Songz's manager.
     "Why? He really adds something to the record, plus he'll boost sales." Trey's voice came after, and I could almost see his eyebrows knotting together in confusion.
     "Yeah, but after the little car incident, people are starting to become tired of him and the trouble that always follows him wherever he goes. I mean, how in the world did he manage to get out of there so quickly? The only place he could've possibly been was the woods, and there's no reason for him to go in there!" Oh, but there was. The main reason was for me to get my anger under control, much like I was struggling to do now.
     "Well, I guess it's your decision." Trey said in disappointment and I snarled under my breath. How dare they get rid of me from the record? I liked my verse too.
     My anger was starting to build up, and although it was partially to do with the impending full moon, I still did nothing to try to stop it. I realised by this point that growls were constantly issuing from my chest and I was starting to feel the familiar burn in the back of my throat. It took everything within me to not rush in there and kill both of them.
     Instead, I became human again and walked in casually, smiling at both of them as they tried to compose themselves and pretend that they hadn't just been talking about me. With the sweetest grin I could manage, I sat down and faced them both.
     "So, you guys are pulling me from the record, then?" They stared at me, wide-eyed, before turning to each other and frowning. They were still playing the innocent act.
     "Wh - what do you mean?" Trey stuttered. I had to bite back a laugh at how bad he was at lying. At least he seemed to have forgotten about seeing me as a monster.
     "Don't try and act like you don't know." I said, looking now to Trey's manager.
     "Fine. It's true, Chris. But I can't have your reputation ruining Trey's career." I narrowed my eyes and tried, unsuccessfully, to force my anger down.
     "I'll be the reason that that song sells. And you've just thrown your only chance away." I snarled and Trey looked offended. I hadn't meant to be cocky, but it was the other side of me talking.
     "Chris, wait -" Trey called out to me but I was gone, heading straight for the bathroom and slamming the door. After all, I had still booked the studio for today. I washed my hands in the sink and splashed the water on my face, cooling myself down and trying to calm my anger.

Once my studio session was finished and Trey and his manager were long gone, I exited the studio and looked up to the sky to see that the sun was setting. I was more powerful at night, but it also meant that my emotions would be enhanced, especially anger.
     I started to walk towards the woods, where I would have a direct route home and not have to pass any people. My eyes turned red and my canines elongated as I felt strength and power flood me. With a growl, I was about to shoot through the trees, faster than lightning, when I picked up a scent. Instantly, my head whipped round and I followed it, back out into the street.
     Before I knew it, I was whizzing through the streets, too fast for human eyes, chasing after the smell hungrily. I recognised it, but I was too focused on my thirst and suppressed anger to worry about it. Then I was jumping, from window ledge to window ledge, up to the top floor of an apartment block.
     When I reached it, I slid in through the window and fell into a crouch, listening to the sounds around me. Movement from the next room caught my attention and I heard someone sit down. I was already at the door, peering through.
     The person had their back to me, and had just turned the TV on. I snarled as I recognised them and they turned towards me. But I was no longer there. I was now standing in front of them, waiting for them to turn back around. As they did, they jumped back.
     "Chris?" The man squeaked and I grinned, revealing my sharp teeth.
     "I don't think you're going to be cutting me from any records again any time soon." I growled before suddenly grabbing hold of his shoulder and biting down on his neck.

I woke with a start. Quickly, I checked that I was human and sighed in relief when I found out that I was. Looking around in confusion, I realised that I was still in the studio, and I must've fallen asleep. As I thought back to what must've been a dream, I vividly remembered the feeling of the blood in my mouth and my throat began to ache. But as I thought, I suddenly remembered who it had been that I had murdered in the dream.
     Trey's manager.
     But it was okay, for it was only a dream, right? I peered out of the windows to see the brilliant sunlight still pouring through them. Yep, definitely a dream. I flipped out my phone, remembering something, and went to Instagram, where I posted the next challenge. Just as I put the phone down though, I cursed myself. How had I forgotten? I was supposed to cancel the competition because I felt that I was too dangerous.
     It was too late now.
     Just at that moment, the main door to the studio slammed open and Trey came bursting through, panting frantically. He stopped for a second to catch his breath, before starting to speak.
     "Chris! You've gotta help! My manager is dead!" My eyes widened and I sprang up, rushing up to him and gripping his shoulders.
     "What?! How?"
     "Uh, all I saw was his body slumped in his apartment. And he had, like, these two holes in his neck."
     I froze.

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