4: Suspicions

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I sat in one of the University common rooms with a couple of my friends. Neither of them knew that I found pleasure in killing people, and I wanted to keep it that way. With a sigh, I got up and drew the curtains, noticing that it was almost pitch black outside. Flopping back down again, I took out my phone and opened Twitter.
     To my surprise, all I saw on there were people sending out their prayers to Chris. With a frown, I searched his name and my eyes widened at the countless articles that popped up. They all seemed to have the same headline.
     Chris Brown involved in car crash.
     I narrowed my eyes and opened one of the articles in confusion. It was a bit annoying, considering I wanted to be the one to kill him. But then again, the headline had said nothing about him being dead.
     Pictures of both cars popped up and I examined them closely, trying to see how it could have happened. The pictures were taken from a distance, and it appeared that the cars had faced a head-on collision. Chris' car, a red Lamborghini, looked as if it had swerved into the middle of the road, so I could only imagine that he had either lost concentration or something had spooked him.
     I scrolled further down the article to see more pictures from different angles, all generally from quite a distance away. But as I reached the last picture, something caught my eye. The driver of the other car was still in his seat, which meant that the accident must've happened mere seconds before the picture was taken, but Chris was not.
     He was completely gone.
     The picture was from a completely different angle to the rest, and as I looked closely, I saw that the door of his car almost seemed to have been wrenched open, as it was opened at an odd angle.

I decided to go to bed after looking at the pictures a little more and saving them to my phone. My friends bid me goodnight and I walked down the corridor to my room. As I entered, I looked at myself in the full length mirror and pouted. My wavy red hair faded down to yellow at the bottom and hung over my shoulders loosely. I had dark eyeliner around my eyes and blood red lipstick on my full lips. I was dressed a little like Chris had been in the Loyal video, with a white t-shirt, a leather jacket and a jumper tied around my waist. I threw up a peace sign to my reflection and began to get ready for bed.
     A few minutes later, I lay under the covers, looking at my phone to see if anything had changed. As I was about to exit Twitter, I saw an article which made my eyes widen.
     Chris Brown: Are Ghosts Real?
     I clicked on the article in confusion and started to read.
As some of you may know, singer Chris Brown was allegedly involved in a car crash earlier today, but supposedly fled the scene as soon as it happened, as he was not seen by any of our witnesses. But that's not even the weirdest part. Both vehicles were going fast enough that the damage should've been tremendous, yet both cars are relatively unscathed. We now have close up pictures of the cars, and both of the bonnets are slightly damaged, but there's something very strange about the indented areas. They seem to look unmistakably like the shapes of human hands. Take a look below and tell us what you think.
     I finished reading the article and scrolled down further to see the pictures. Sure enough, the indents had the exact shapes of human hands.
     Almost as if someone or something had intervened just before the crash and stopped the cars from colliding.


Three hours later, I was sitting on a branch near the top of a tree in the woods, thinking everything through. I fished in my pocket for my phone when I remembered that I had dropped it just before the 'crash'. Growling, I jumped straight down from the tree and landed silently on the leaf strewn ground. Again, I replayed the events in my mind...

Just as the cars collided, my body sprang into action. All within the space of half a second, I wrenched the door open, hopped out and got between the cars. Just in time, my hands made contact with the cars and they stopped almost immediately. I turned to the other driver and his eyes widened at my appearance. His blue eyes stared into my red ones for a second more and I gently brought my finger to my lips, as if to tell him to keep this a secret. Then I was flying through the woods, away from my car and the paparazzi which would probably be starting to arrive soon.
I started to slow down as I sensed that I was getting nearer to my house. As the trees cleared, I darted behind one and peeked out from behind. My ears perked up as I listened out for any sounds near my house. Sure enough, I could hear cars starting to approach, and I could only think that it was the paparazzi, trying to get a juicy story.

I hadn't been to my house yet, considering I could still sense that the paparazzi were outside. Becoming human again, I started to walk through the woods, listening to the crunch of the leaves beneath my feet - something I never experienced as a vampire. My senses were still just very slightly better as a human than those of other humans, but not by much. And I was only faster and stronger than many people because I worked out a lot at the gym. I still didn't have the super speed or super strength that I had as a vampire though.
Eventually, I reached the edge of the woods again. This time, I was at the back of my house and knew that I would be able to slip in through the back door. But as I pushed down on the handle, I cursed myself. The door was locked.
Momentarily becoming a vampire, I leaped up to one of the open windows on the second floor and pulled myself through, landing softly in my bedroom. My eyes reverted back to their natural, dark brown colour and my canines retracted, leaving me completely vulnerable. I walked to the front of the house and peered out of the window, checking to see if anyone was there. Thankfully, the paparazzi were gone.
And I was alone again.

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