21: Confidence

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His lips started at my cheek, kissing it softly, before making their way to my mouth, tasting my lipstick. But the funny thing was, I didn't react. I didn't push him away but I also didn't draw him in closer. I just sat there, completely motionless. His tongue poked my lips, looking for entrance. I opened my eyes and looked at him to see his brown eyes looking sadly into mine.
"I'm sorry." He said, pulling away. I simply stared at him, unmoving. "What's wrong?"
"You won't...hurt me, will you?" I asked nervously and he shook his head, chuckling.
"Of course not." He said and I leaned into him this time, more confident. His sharp teeth bit my lip gently and I shuddered, pulling away a little too quickly.
Blood started to pour from my lip. My eyes widened and I covered my mouth with my hand, trying to stop the smell from reaching him. He stared intently at me before wincing at the smell. I started to get up to leave the room but his hand suddenly grabbed my arm, eyes pleading for me to stay.
"I'm sorry." He said in a small voice, looking anywhere but at my lips. I sat back down with him and looked straight into those beautiful brown orbs. Then, without thinking, I crushed my lips to his again. His tongue was instantly running across my bottom lip, lapping up as much blood as it could. He pulled away quickly and licked his lips a couple of times, obviously enjoying the taste of my blood.
"Why did you do that?" He asked in slight confusion and I gave him a wry smile.
"Well, if I'm gonna stay here, I've got to be able to trust you." He smirked suddenly and I grinned at him, our lips connecting once more. For the first time in my life, I felt like I was wanted. But I wasn't expecting to be wanted by the person who I had been planning to kill for so long.
     "You might wanna unpack your stuff." He said softly, pulling away from me. As I left the room, I gave him one last smile before making my way to my bedroom. What was happening to me? I had never been even remotely happy, let alone loving and kindhearted. Chris was having a strange effect on me.
     I started to remove my clothes from my small suitcase and hang them back up in the wardrobe. Just as I took the last pair of socks out, I saw movement outside the window. Peering out, I watched as Indigo emerged from the woods, wiping dirt from her hands. I frowned and opened the window, staring down at her for a second.
"Indie?" I shouted down at her and she looked up, wide-eyed. Why had she been in the woods?
"Hey, Scarlett. Did Chris convince you to stay?" She asked, obviously trying to change the subject.
"Yeah. But why were you out in the woods?" She looked suddenly nervous and I rolled my eyes, turning away from the window. I would need to talk to her properly. Making my way downstairs, I opened the back door of Chris' house and walked up to Indigo, one hand on my hip.
"Uh...the woods calm me down." She stuttered and I looked at her incredulously. There was no use in lying to me. I was well trained in reading body language.
"Mmhmm. Now, you've gotta remember that I could kill you as quick as that." I hissed, snapping my fingers. Yep, my violent tendencies were back. If I wanted answers then I would get them, no doubt about it. And there was nothing I hated more than people keeping secrets from me.
"Please don't kill me!" She sobbed fearfully and I watched as her body started to shake again, just like it had in my room. I stared on with the same confusion that I had the other day. Was she having some kind of seizure?
My thoughts must've clouded my vision for a moment because before I knew it, she was twenty feet away, running back to the woods. I narrowed my eyes, angry at myself for letting her escape, before running after her. I had always been a fairly fast runner, considering sometimes my victims would attempt to run from me and I would have to catch them. But Indigo was much faster than I had anticipated and soon enough I was running out of breath.
I couldn't stop. The woods were packed very densely and I was struggling to see the faint figure of Indigo but I wouldn't give up. My mind was set. But everything came to a grinding halt when I spotted something odd a few feet from where I was standing.
Clothes. I picked them up and frowned as I realised that they were hers. But why on earth was she running through the woods with no clothes on? Maybe she had strange beliefs that I didn't know about or something. The logical part of my mind was trying to think up explanations but something deep within me told me that this was to do with the supernatural. But I'd never seen Chris do that so she probably wasn't a vampire.
I turned the clothes over, examining them, and inhaled sharply. Parts of them were ripped beyond repair. Now I was really confused. Was she the Hulk or something? I almost laughed at the fact that this sweet, innocent girl could possibly become a green monster before becoming serious again. She definitely had a secret and I was going to find out about it, one way or another.
Maybe Chris would know something. But, knowing him, he'd probably just make me figure it out for myself. Or he'd tell me to stop snooping around altogether. Turning around, I made my way back to the house and thought about everything that had happened. It was worth at least asking Chris about this.
But I couldn't shake the unnerving feeling that I was being watched.

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