14: Killer

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Now was my chance. I hadn't been anticipating killing Chris this soon but I knew that his door was unlocked. As quietly as I could, I dug around in my suitcase for one of my thin, sharp knives. When I got to his room, I would simply cut open his chest and scoop out his heart with a scythe. Grinning, I found my scythe and quickly rummaged around in Chris' cabinets in the ensuite for a glass.
     The only person that I was sharing this room with was Harriet but she was fast asleep. Maybe I could kill her too. I looked at my knife and then at her, but thought better of it and turned away before I could change my mind. Holding the knife in one hand and the scythe and glass in the other, I crept out of the room and down the corridor towards Chris' room.
     Just before I was about to push it open, I noticed that one of the lights was on within. Cautiously, I put my weapons down and opened the door a crack. Chris was fast asleep but he had left the bathroom light on. Breathing a sigh of relief, I picked up my stuff and made my way silently towards him.
     Putting the scythe and glass down on his bedside table, I positioned the knife above his chest. I looked up at his peaceful face and smirked, knowing that it would be even more peaceful after I was finished. My eyes trailed down to his ears and I frowned. They seemed pointier, if that was possible. Shaking my head, I dispelled the thought and got into position again.
     I noticed something else. Frowning again, it looked like Chris had something in his mouth. I was about to investigate further when I heard the creak of the floorboards outside the room and remembered what I had come to do. The knife quivered slightly as it touched his chest and I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath.
     I dragged it straight down the middle of his chest.
     My eyes flew open in shock and I looked down. Just as I had thought. It had felt like I was trying to stab steel, and it had had about the same effect, too. He was completely unharmed. A snore escaped his mouth and I realised that my own mouth was hanging open. Quickly, I took a few steps back and the knife nearly fell out of my hand.
     "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!" A voice suddenly came from the door to the room and I jumped, whirling around to find the source. Harriet was staring at me in shock, her eyes eyeing the knife.
     "I - I -" I stuttered, trying to think of a plausible explanation but my mind was completely blank from the initial shock of not being able to penetrate Chris' skin.
     "You were trying to kill him!" She whispered in horror, slowly covering her mouth with her hand. Before I knew what I was doing, I was in front of her, gripping the knife firmly.
     Then I plunged it into her chest.
     She let out a cry of pain and I covered her mouth, dragging her from the room. My hands were still shaking and my grip on Harriet loosened, causing her to fall to the floor. I stabbed her again and she spat blood in my face, eyes rolling up into her head.
     I started to run.


The smell of blood drew me from unconsciousness. Whenever I slept in vampire form, my dreams were always more vivid and harder to wake up from. But it also meant that I was pretty much invincible, although I sometimes would get up and attack someone if they were nearby, so I didn't do it very often. But I had felt as if I was in danger tonight.
     My eyes snapped open as the smell got stronger and I was instantly at my door, inhaling the metallic scent. As I opened it, the smell got even stronger and I growled under my breath, my teeth itching to bite down on whatever poor victim I had been given.
     Everything went in slow motion as I stared down at the body in front of me. Harriet was laying on her back with her eyes wide open, staring intently at the ceiling. Blood was continuously pouring from her chest and I knew that it was too late for her. Suddenly, her head lolled towards me and her eyes focused on mine, widening as they saw the crimson hue of my irises.
     "Wha - HELP!" She screamed as loudly as she could and I bit down on her neck, silencing her once and for all. Nothing else mattered now other than the delicious blood flowing down my throat. Once I was finished, the human side of my brain made an appearance and I started to think about what had just happened.
     Who had originally given her the chest wound? Could it have been me in my sleep? Shaking my head, I tried to rid myself of the thought but found myself becoming more worried with every passing second. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I'd done it. I thought that those days were over.
     I did feel bad for finishing her off, but there was no way she was going to survive anyway. She had lost too much blood. But as I thought about it, there was no way that I had done it, as it just wasn't my style. This wound was messy as well, and mine were never messy.
     Venturing back into my room, I found a vital clue. A scythe was laying on my bedroom table next to an empty glass. Frowning, I examined it and realised that there was no blood on it. But it could've easily caused that wound. Maybe I had licked it clean. Shuddering, I walked back out to the hallway and picked up the body, ashamed at myself. This was only the second night and I had already managed to kill someone.
     Suddenly, I was completely aware that someone was watching me.

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