31: Wolves

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I smiled at the people around me. To my left sat Indigo, shaking slightly in fear. If anything it should've been me who was scared. After all, we were supposed to be sworn enemies. To my right was an elderly man, probably in his sixties, with a long white beard. His wrinkles gave him a permanent scowl and his jet black eyes were like marbles. His scowl deepened further as he saw me looking and I quickly turned away.
My gaze next fell on two women, probably about my age. They were twins, although I could see small differences. Both had long, straight blonde hair and brilliant blue eyes but one had darker skin, tanned from overexposure to the sun.
     The other four people looked as if they were a family. There were two adults, a man and a woman and two children, all with brown-black hair, dark eyes and olive skin.
     "I think we should at least get to know each other a little before we make these plans." I said with a grin and heard an indignant sigh come from the elderly man. I turned to him and held out my hand.
     "My name is Chris." He stared at my hand until I sheepishly put it away.
     "You may address me as Goldor." His voice was cracked and broken but I smiled all the same.
     "Pleasure." I turned to the twins and gave them the same smile that I had given Goldor.
     "I'm Lucinda and this is Amy." The paler one introduced herself and her sister with a smile. Amy simply scowled at me.
     Now I faced the family of four. None of them dared look in my direction and I started to doubt whether any of this would ever work. Reluctantly, the adult male turned to me.
"I'm Nathan, this is my wife Olivia, and our children Drew and Lottie." He mumbled, gesturing to his family. I smiled at all of them and turned to Indigo. She smiled back at me and addressed the group.
"Thank you so much for coming. I'm so happy that you all -"
"Just get on with it." Goldor grumbled and she nodded quickly.
"Okay, so we're gonna break in. But how we do that is another matter. The Dome is obviously heavily guarded, with lots of different systems to keep the unwanted supernatural out." The people sitting around the table collectively nodded and Indigo rubbed her hands together nervously.
     "But, from what you guys have shown me, there's a hidden camera near the only entrance. If we don't disable it then there's no chance of even getting in, let alone rescuing Scarlett.
     "None of us know the inside of the Dome, so we've just got to work with what we've got. And -" Indigo was cut off by Goldor for the second time.
     "I know the inside of the building like the back of my hand. I was locked in there for many years." Hope filled me and I beamed at him.


Well, that escape plan had failed. Last night, we had attempted to sneak out, using Lilly's knowledge of the whereabouts of the security cameras and guards. But, inevitably, we had been caught. Neither of us had taken into account the fact that the guards moved about. This would take more planning than I had anticipated.
"I know it didn't work last night, but we've got to keep trying. I mean, it was unlikely our first attempt was gonna work, anyway." She nodded reluctantly and pushed her bowl of food away from her.
"I guess. But what else can we do? This place is branded impossible to break out of for a reason." I shrugged and fell deep into thought. We needed to track the routes that the guards took each night to make sure that we didn't run into them again. Suddenly, I had a thought.
"What are the guards, anyway?" I asked.
"Super soldiers. Genetically modified people. Stronger than even the toughest vampire." A grin spread across my face as I had an idea.
"But can they see in the dark?" I asked with a smirk and she frowned, looking at me with confusion.
"I don't think so, no...why?" She said suspiciously and I got up from the table, making my way back to my cell. Thoughts whizzed through my head and I began to make plans again. But this time, I was certain of one thing.
We needed to get rid of the lights.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2016 ⏰

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