27: The Beginning

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I knew that she would ask eventually. But was I really going to relive those dark times? These suppressed memories that I had been holding on to for so long were about to be released. Because, with a single sentence, she had given me unimaginably bad flashbacks.
"What happened between you and Carlos?" The simple question, so innocent, yet so deadly. I knew that I'd have to start from the day I got bitten, because that was a very key part in my relationship with Carlos.
     "It all started a few years ago, on the 12th December 2013..."

I walked down the dimly lit street, straining my eyes to see. I was on my way home from buying a packet of cigarettes, but it was much darker now than I had anticipated. This was the only time I could get peace and quiet. The paparazzi wouldn't be following me at this time.
My body sensed danger. I had never felt fear quite like this before, and, in a flash, I was running. The hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end and my palms were becoming clammy. I hurriedly grabbed my phone from my pocket and started to dial one of my friends.
Something dark whizzed across my field of vision and my phone was no longer in my hand. I tried to steady my breathing but my eyesight was beginning to become blurry. The fear that was now gripping me fully was taking over my instincts to run, leaving me rooted to the spot.
"This won't hurt a bit, I promise." A voice whispered in my ear, low and grating. Before I could even react, my neck was on fire and I felt venom seep into my bloodstream. With a blood curdling scream, I crumpled to the floor, my vision leaving me shortly after.

"...and when I woke the next morning, everything was different. My senses were heightened, I had the thirst for blood, and I felt powerful. But that was only the start..."

I quivered in fear as I stood over the body. It had been only three days since I had become a monster and I had already murdered someone. Blood poured from their neck and it took everything within me to not drink every last drop. I couldn't continue like this. I would have to kill myself.
"What do we have here?" A voice broke through the silence, making me jump in surprise. I started to back away, very quickly, and hold my hands up in defence.
"Please don't come any closer. I don't want to hurt you." I cried out in desperation, but he continued to walk towards me.
"My name is Carlos. I know what you are." He said gently and I tensed up in fear.
"Y - you do?" I stuttered and he chuckled. Then, in a split second, his eyes were glowing red and he had fangs, not unlike mine.
"I'm like you. We're vampires, Chris."
"You know my name?" I asked in surprise.
"You do know you're a celebrity, right?" He said with a laugh and I mentally slapped myself. For the past few days, I had stayed away from people as I had deemed myself too dangerous. I had almost forgotten about my celebrity status.
"Yeah." I laughed with him but we both stopped as he looked down at the dead body in front of me.
"Is this your first kill?" He asked and I looked for traces of horror or disgust in his face, but there were none.
     "Yes." I muttered and looked at the ground. Suddenly, an arm was around my shoulders, comforting me.
     "I promise that I'll teach you to control this, y'know. You're my son now." Carlos smiled at me and I returned the smile, happy that someone finally understood me.

"...and we became great friends after that, living together for about a year. But he started to grow distant from me towards the end. Something changed in him." I stared wistfully into the distance for a moment, remembering how good our time together had been. We had had many laughs, played many pranks on people and had hunted almost every day with each other.
     "Like what?" Scarlett asked me and I looked at her in surprise. I had forgotten that she was there.
     "I think he became more power hungry, but that could've been because of the Council."
     "Who were the Council?" I knew that this question would come up.
     "There were six of them. The Leader, the Vice Leader, the two Trackers and the two Executors. The Leader was kinda like the President of the supernatural world, and was typically a vampire. The Vice Leader is pretty self-explanatory. The Trackers would hunt down any supernatural creatures that misbehaved and the Executors would then kill them."
"Misbehaved?" She asked and I realised that I still wasn't explaining myself very well.
"Either showed a human what they were or made a human into something else. Vampires and werewolves were the only creatures allowed to kill humans, although not in excess. But, however, I wouldn't have been able to kill Indigo as she isn't human." I rambled and I saw a look of victory flash across Scarlett's face. My confusion was obviously evident as she started to speak.
"What is she, then?" I had completely forgotten about the fact that she didn't know. Mentally slapping myself, I took a deep breath.
"I'm not sure I can -"
"Chris. You're a vampire. I'm an angel. Carlos is...well, I don't know, but Indigo surely can't be any worse. What exactly would I do with the information anyway? I just want to know." She made some valid points, but Indigo would definitely not be happy if I told Scarlett. I didn't know why, but Indigo seemed to be a little scared of her.
"Fine, fine. I'll tell you. But you've got to promise to treat her the same as you have before. She's very sensitive about that side of herself."
"Just get on with it, Chris." She said impatiently and I snorted.
"She's a werewolf."

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