13: Indigo

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My eyes were bright red in the picture. Quickly, I looked over at Scarlett to see what her reaction was. After all, it could've just been a trick of the light. The reason why I had kept my eyes and mouth shut the entire ride was because whenever my adrenaline rose considerably, I would turn into a vampire as a natural reflex. And, of course, it had happened on the ride.
"I don't remember seeing a red light on the ride." Scarlett said quietly and I gave her a nonchalant shrug.
"Well, there must've been one somewhere or my eyes wouldn't have reflected it." I murmured softly and she stared at me for a second before Mike, Jamal and Harriet interrupted us.
"That ride was hella good, guys!" Mike exclaimed and Scarlett smiled at him although it seemed forced.
"Yeah, it was pretty cool." She said and walked off with them, not looking back even for a second.
"Hey, Chris." A quiet voice came from behind me and I saw Indigo smiling shyly up at me. I grinned at her and we started to walk.
"So, how -"
"I know something is going on with you, Chris." She said bluntly and I frowned in confusion.
"What do you mean?" I asked and she raised an eyebrow.
"Last night. I watched you jump out of the second storey window and land unharmed." My eyes widened as I wondered how she even saw me.
"Look, I'll tell you, but you've gotta keep it a secret, alright?" I hissed before dragging her into a more secluded place. She nodded and I took a deep breath.
"I'm not entirely human." I breathed and she nodded as if this wasn't new information.
"I gathered that much. But what exactly are you, then?" I frowned and crossed my arms.
"How did you even reach that conclusion, though? It usually takes people ages to work it out."
"Yeah. It takes humans ages to work it out. But who said anything about me being human?" She said with a smirk, tucking her hair behind her ear.
"Wait...what are you then?" She snorted at that moment and I jumped. I hadn't realised how intense this moment had gotten.
"Nah. You have to tell me what you are first." I took another deep breath and spoke.
"I'm a vampire. I have been one for roughly three years now." I said softly, hoping she wouldn't freak out. Instead, she just looked annoyed.
"Aw, damn it! That's a shame." I cocked my head to the side in confusion. Well, I hadn't been expecting that.
"What's wrong?" I asked, genuinely puzzled.
"Well...it's just...I thought that as you're also affected by the full moon, you might be like me." She mumbled and chewed on her bottom lip.
"What are you?" I asked gently, looking straight into her eyes. Suddenly, they flashed once; a brilliant shade of gold.
"Your worst nightmare. An enemy of all vampires." She waited for me to catch on and sighed in frustration when I didn't.
"So, you're..." I started but gave up.
"I'm a werewolf, Chris."
Every single thought that was currently whizzing through my head abruptly came to a stop. My mouth opened and closed again, unable to form words. To be quite honest, I didn't even know that they existed. I pursed my lips as I tried to find the right words to say.
"They exist?" I asked and mentally slapped myself immediately after. Well, of course they existed. Her eyes did just glow golden and vampires definitely couldn't do that.
"Yeah." She said simply, rolling her eyes and smirking.
"But the moon didn't affect you last night! You were playing hide and seek with us."
"Oh, trust me, it does affect me. It just takes a couple of hours to have an impact, so I snuck out last night after everyone went to sleep. I tried to find you last night but you were obviously too fast." Her voice was extremely quiet and I had to strain to hear.
"Okay. Well, I think Scarlett is on to me so you've got to promise to keep this a secret, alright?" I pleaded, staring into her eyes. She nodded and we started to walk again, trying to find the others.
"Y'know, I think something is going on with Scarlett, too. She seems human, but there's something about her that makes me feel uneasy." She whispered as the others came into view and I realised that she was right. There had been no evidence to suggest that Scarlett wasn't human, but there was definitely something dark about her.
"You got over your fear of rollercoasters yet?" Scarlett asked with a smirk as I reached them, causing me to roll my eyes. I still couldn't help smiling though, because although I knew that she had her secrets, I had the feeling that I was falling for her.
     Wait, did I just think that? Shaking my head slightly, the others and I started to walk to the next ride but my mind was far away. There was no way I could already have feelings for her! We only met yesterday.

Something was wrong. We had arrived back home not too long ago and I was already getting ready for bed, but I had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. One of the good points of being a vampire was that I could sense when something bad was going to happen to me. But the feeling this time was stronger than it had ever been before and I was worried.
Slipping out of my clothes, I left my boxers on and went to the mini fridge that I kept in one of my cabinets. My eyes glowed red as I took a blood bag out and started to drink the substance that kept me alive. Only a few seconds had passed before I had completely drained the bag and was craving more, but I knew that I couldn't or I'd end up drinking my entire stash.
As I got into bed, another wave of fear swept over me, preventing me from changing back to a human. Well, at least I'd hear if someone or something tried to sneak up on me now.
But before I knew it, I was falling asleep, becoming more vulnerable with every passing second.

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