16: Trust

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I stared at Chris, eyes narrowed. We were out at the mall near his house, eating lunch. The others had tried to talk to me throughout the morning but I was still in too much shock from the events of last night to talk to anyone. My mind was still trying to conjure up an explanation as to why his skin had been completely impenetrable.
Chris sat opposite me, as far away as possible on the table that we were on. He had tried to sit next to me when we sat down but I had slid across to sit between Mike and Jamal. They had taken the news about Harriet's death quite hard and I assumed that they had known her before we met. They had been fairly quiet all morning and I had thought about comforting them when I remembered that I had been the one who had killed her.
I picked at my cheeseburger and sighed. No one was really eating anything and we sat in silence, Chris refusing to look up from his bottle of drink that he had brought with him. He was the only one that hadn't bought any food and my instincts were telling me that something was very wrong. As I thought back over the past couple of days, I realised that he hadn't eaten a single thing since we'd been here. He'd always made excuses, saying that he'd eaten, but we'd never seen him eat.
He drained the opaque bottle of liquid and turned away to wipe his mouth thoroughly. When he turned back, I noticed a small spot of red on the side of his mouth and frowned. It looked a little like blood but I knew that it couldn't have been. It must've been raspberry juice or something.
     I got up very suddenly and walked over to Indigo, grabbing her by the arm. She yelped but gave in, walking with me to an alleyway where the others couldn't see us. Once we made it, she turned to me and I instantly pushed her threateningly up against the wall.
     "What's going on with Chris?" I demanded and her eyes grew wide with shock.
     "I don't -"
     "Don't try and tell me that you don't know. I saw the looks you were giving him this morning." She sighed and almost seemed to give in.
     "Look, I can't tell you, alright! He made me promise not to tell you. He wants to tell you himself when the time is right." My eyes blazed with fury and, almost as a reflex action, my hand was holding my pocket knife against her throat. The silver blade only just touched her skin before she was shrieking in pain, leaning as far away as possible from it.
     "Tell me!" I spat angrily and her eyes fell to the blade again, complete and utter terror within them.
     "Please take the knife away from me. I'm allergic to silver." She whispered in the softest voice ever and I frowned. That was an odd thing to be allergic to.
     "Well, you'd better tell me everything you know or I'll do more than just touch this against your neck." I growled and her eyes widened with a sudden realisation. "What now?" I asked, malice lacing my voice.
     "You're the one who murdered Harriet." She said softly and my knife fell to the ground.


Scarlett and Indigo had been gone for a little while now and I was starting to get worried. Maybe they had just wandered off and lost track of time. Or they might've got lost. With a sigh and a slight chuckle, I excused myself from the table and started to walk in the general direction that they had.
     As I was about to turn a corner, muffled voices from a nearby alleyway met my ears. Putting on my shades, I allowed my eyes to turn red as my ears tuned solely into the sounds of their voices.
     "Just tell me what he told you, God damn it!" Scarlett's voice demanded in annoyance and I knew that she must've been talking to Indigo.
     "No. That's his secret. Look, I won't tell Chris your secret. But, in exchange, I'm also not gonna tell you his. Deal?" Indigo hissed quietly and I almost heard Scarlett's reluctance to answer. What secret did she have?
     "Fine. Deal. I'm gonna find out soon enough, though." A shiver went down my spine as she said that. She was most definitely on to me. I walked into the alleyway suddenly, completely forgetting that I was in vampire form, and stared at them both. They jumped and I panicked before remembering that my eyes were covered by the glasses and my mouth was closed. There was nothing I could do about my pointy ears but they weren't very noticeable.
"Hi, Chris." Scarlett said nervously and I nodded once, my eyes focusing on the veins in her neck and my ears only hearing the sounds of her heartbeat and the rushing of blood throughout her body. Swallowing hard, I closed my eyes and tried to fight the urge to bite down on her. Indigo obviously saw my internal battle and pushed me gently out of the alleyway, following closely behind.
"Dude. Your teeth." She simply said and I felt my canines shortening back to their natural length. Taking the sunglasses off, my vision became worse and I sighed, looking at Indigo.
     "What was Scarlett telling you?" I asked casually and she looked at me incredulously.
     "Really? I'm not telling you, Chris. Unless you want me to tell Scarlett about your little 'dilemma'." She said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes.
     "Well, maybe I'll tell her that you're a freaking werewolf and then we'll see how she'll react." I hissed deviously and she shrugged.
     "Meh. Tell her. I don't care. It's not like I'm a celebrity and her and I will probably never see each other again when this is over." I sighed in defeat and turned away from her.
     "Fine. Don't tell me. But I'm gonna find out her secret, one way or another."

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