22: The Dream

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I watched out of the window as Scarlett came back from the woods and marched straight up to the house. My vision sharpened and I saw the anger and fear on her face. Indigo had obviously either told her what she was or she hadn't, and both options were as bad as each other.
     She stomped up the stairs and I was instantly laying on my bed reading a book, pretending that I hadn't been listening. But as she stormed into my room and her dark eyes met with my red ones, I knew that I wasn't fooling her.
     "I know you heard what just happened. You can hear stuff from a mile away." She said, eyes narrowed, sitting down on the edge of my bed.
     "Nah, I didn't. My hearing is normal as a human. And I only turned into a vampire a few seconds ago." She looked like she was going to ask why but thought better of it and looked me in the eyes.
     "Well, I need to know something."
     "I think I know what you're gonna ask me. But I can't tell you. She needs to." Scarlett groaned in frustration and laid down next to me. I moved over a little to give her some space and she sighed.
     "Why is everything so complicated?" She asked me and I made eye contact with her, my eyes fading back to brown.
     "Trust me, everything will come out in time. Everything will make sense eventually." I gave her a small smile and she moved closer to me, resting her head on my chest. Her head moved slowly up and down, in synchronisation with my breathing, and I started to gently stroke her hair. She shuddered at my cold touch but soon relaxed and after a few minutes the sounds of snoring filled the room.
     Indigo's face appeared ever so suddenly at the window and I jumped, making her snort. Frowning, I gently moved Scarlett's head off of my chest and walked to the window, opening it. Indigo obviously had super strength like me as she had managed to jump all the way up to the window. I helped her inside and she thanked me, brushing her clothes down. I frowned.
     "Why is your clothing ripped?" I asked and she smiled wryly.
     "I didn't get it off in time before I...changed." She whispered and I nodded understandingly.
     "Changed into what?" Scarlett's voice came from the bed and I turned quickly to see that she was still asleep. Sleep talking. Indigo dropped her voice to a hushed whisper and continued.
"She's very suspicious of me. But I can't tell her yet."
"Why not? She knows about me."
"Yeah, but she might not be so understanding of my condition. After all, she tried to k-" She stopped talking very abruptly and walked past me, out of the room. I frowned in confusion and laid down next to Scarlett again, feeling her warmth seep into my body. I smiled.


I was standing in the woods, looking at the dark silhouettes of trees all around me. Everything was silent; even the birds were afraid to come here. I started to walk forward, hoping that this would be the way out, when movement on a branch high above me caught my attention. My eyes scanned the canopy of the trees, searching for the source, but to no avail. I continued to walk, still trying to adjust to the intense darkness that felt like it was suffocating me.
My heart jumped as something appeared a few feet in front of me, a tall, slender figure. It moved towards me slowly, making no sound, until it was inches from me. I didn't dare breathe or I knew I'd probably be dead in the blink of an eye.
"What are you doing out here, my lady?" A familiar voice asked in a tone that sent chills down my spine.
"Ch - Chris?" I stuttered in disbelief and he chuckled.
"I don't know how you got my name, but it won't matter in a few minutes. Just hold still." Everything within me screamed for me to run but my body was rooted to the spot, useless and inert. I felt cool breath on my neck and shuddered, knowing what was coming next. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, ready for the end.
The breathing suddenly stopped and my eyes flew open in confusion and slight hope. A girl with glowing yellow eyes had hold of the front of his shirt and was holding him above the ground, growling at him. He spun out of her grip and was about to attack her when the sounds of bones cracking echoed throughout the forest. I jumped back slightly and Chris just stared as the girl's body twisted and convulsed, becoming something else entirely.
My eyes could just about make out the shape of a wolf standing where she had stood only moments ago and I covered my mouth with my hand to stop any sound escaping. The wolf let out a menacing growl and Chris growled back, although the sound of his was diminished in the comparison to that of the wolf.
Suddenly, it lunged at Chris, taking him by surprise and knocking him to the floor. I started to back away as he disappeared from view and then landed on the wolf's back. My instincts were telling me to run, and, for once, I followed them. My feet pounded against the damp earth, trying to create space between me and the fight. Fear gripped me tighter than it ever had before and I closed my eyes, hoping for a miracle. Just as I heard footsteps begin to close in on me, my arms started to glow. I stared down at them for a second before I felt something trying to force its way out of me; out of my back, to be precise. But before I could even take time to think about what was happening to me, a pair of wings erupted from my back.

I woke up in a cold sweat. Chris was standing over me, worry etching his soft features. I smiled at him but he still looked concerned.
"Are you okay? You were having a nightmare, by the looks of things."
I sighed in relief. It was just a dream.

A/N: I'm so sorry that this took me so long to update; I've just been really busy lately with college and other stuff 😭 but I will hopefully update more frequently now 😁

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