25: Flying

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I woke up with sweat dripping down my forehead. My mouth let out an involuntary snarl as my senses improved and I caught the scent of Carlos. I shuddered and appeared in Scarlett's room, my feet barely touching the floor as I ran. Anger boiled up within me at the sight that I now faced.
She was gone.
But where? Could Carlos have kidnapped her? I growled at this thought. No, there had to be another explanation as to why she was missing. I breathed in and caught both of their scents again, but by this point I was starting to worry. The scents were heading out of the window, much to my dismay, and I knew that it could be too late.
     Carlos meant a lot to me, but I knew that he enjoyed killing humans. I just hoped that he had realised that Scarlett lived with me, and he wouldn't dare hurt her. He'd have me to answer to if he did. I had never been as powerful as him, but I was stealthy and that had helped me in the past.
     I flew through the woods, following both scents, before slowing down in confusion. Carlos' stopped and changed direction but Scarlett's carried on, getting stronger as I followed it. Strange. Scents either get stronger when you get closer to the person or...when they are scared. Frantically, I breathed in again and started to run, but stopped almost instantly. 
     The scent was gone! I frowned and retraced my steps to the last point at which I could smell it. As I breathed in, I realised that the scent didn't actually disappear, but instead led upwards. My confusion continued to grow as I jumped onto a tree branch, realising that it was still ascending. I continued to follow it, leaping between branches, before reaching the top of the tree and searching in every direction. Even with my incredible eyesight, I couldn't see a single person for miles. Only the tops of trees and the occasional bird.
Now I was really confused. To my utter shock, the scent trail continued to rise above the canopy of the trees. How was this possible? She was only human, after all.
The realisation suddenly hit me. But she wasn't human, was she? She was an angel, and what did angels have the capability to do? They could fly. I mentally slapped myself for being stupid enough to not realise that. I had only come across a couple of angels in my lifetime.
     Now I just had to find her. This would most likely be the first time she had flown, so there would probably be some screaming. I went rigid for a moment, listening out for any noise amongst the general sounds of nature. There! It was almost swallowed up by the wind, but I could faintly make out the sounds of excited yelling. Was she talking to someone?
     Carlos. It had to be him. My mind buzzed as I followed the sounds, trying to work out why he would want to see Scarlett as an angel. Was he training her? He was obviously up to something but there was nothing I could do at this point to stop him, apart from take Scarlett away.
     But as her small form came into view, sailing gracefully over the trees, every other thought vanished from my head. I had never seen a more beautiful sight in my life.


It was incredible. Never in my life had I ever felt so free and happy. My mind was racing with a million thoughts as I soared over the canopy of trees and felt the wind blow my hair back. I glanced behind me to see the edges of two beautiful white wings. They were covered in feathers and almost seemed to glint in the moonlight. I laughed as I continued to rise, amazed that any of this was even real.
     Below me, I could faintly see a small figure whizzing through the trees. Carlos. If he had been going at the speed at which he was going now when he was chasing me then he would've easily caught up with me. But I knew that he wasn't going to hurt me. Especially not with Chris so near.
     "How are you doing up there?" Carlos shouted suddenly, louder than expected. I nodded and gave him the thumbs up, hoping that whatever he was gave him enhanced senses so that he could see that from that distance.
     Before I could do much else, however, another voice cut through the blissful tranquility that I had been revelling in. But this voice was one that I recognised. And it was calling my name.
     I looked in the direction of the sound to see a familiar figure darting towards me atop the trees, much more gracefully than Carlos. With a sigh, I started to descend and maneouvre my way towards the figure. His eyes met with mine for an instant and I lost concentration, beginning to fall. My wings disappeared and I screamed, watching as the ground rushed up towards me at an alarming pace.
     I never reached it. Chris was now holding me, still running at the speed of sound across the trees. I smiled at him and he just gripped me tighter, no trace of a smile on his face. He suddenly turned tail and ran in the opposite direction, presumably back to the house. I felt bad for technically abandoning Carlos, but Chris was more important. He didn't so much as even loosen his grip on me until we were standing in my bedroom and he was placing me down on the bed.
     "Go to sleep." He said softly and left, quietly closing the door and giving me one last view of his crimson eyes. I sighed and just decided to do what he said as I was too tired to argue. I hadn't realised how exhausting flying had been though because I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

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