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Did they just say, mommy.

Larry: ~hovering over her and kissing her lips~ Yes, we indeed said mommy. I told you that you would get pregnant right away. We aren't normal, and now neither are you. How do you feel?

Kelly: I feel a flutter in my stomach. I feel full of energy. Its like my senses are enhanced. I swear I can here the snow falling.

Larry was still hovering over me. My body was becoming hot, like I was on fire. I could feel him spreading my legs and then entering me. We both let out a moan that bounced off the walls. Laurent got up and went into the bathroom and I heard the shower.

Larry: he's just giving us some privacy.

His eyes changed and I felt mine start to burn. He smiled at me and then started to pound into me. The feeling was so weird. When my orgasm hit me it was like my insides exploded. Larry started to shake and then I felt him release inside me.

Larry: whoa!!!! That was fucking amazing. Shit I think I got pregnant. ~laughing as he got up~.

Larry helped me up and we started to kiss passionately. The bathroom door opened and Laurent came out completely naked. DAMMIT!!!!

Laurent: My turn

Larry released me and walked into the bathroom closing the door. Lau walks over to me and and picks me up and walks us to the bed. He stares into my eyes and then kisses me taking my breath away.

Lau: You are so beautiful. How do you feel. ~laying her down on the bed and hovering over her~

Kelly: I feel full. Like I'm complete in some way. It's weird. I feel like a void has been filled in my heart, my mind and...

Lau: Your soul

Kelly: ~rubbing her stomach~ And soon my body. How many do you think is in there?

Lau: We have a special doctor that we can go to tomorrow and get you checked out.

Kelly: So, are there like a lot of us around. How do you know what doctor to go to.

Lau: Shhh, we talk about that tomorrow. Right now, I just want yo make love to you.

And that was exactly what he did. He made my eyes roll to the back of my head. They are identical twins, but they are totally different when it comes to bedroom behavior.

I woke up to a sense of serenity. The guys were sound asleep. Larry to my right and Lau to my left. They were so beautiful. I eased out of bed careful not to wake them. Tip toeing to the bathroom and closing the door I started me a hot bath. I relaxed my very sore body into the water.

So much has happened and my life has changed in a matter of 24hrs. I have been dragged to Colorado. I met very strange people or creatures. Found out that my best friend is not who I thought she was. Agreed to mate with not one, but two gorgeous shape shifters and now I am carry who knows how many babies, I mean pups in my womb. WTF.

Getting out and drying off, I went back into the bedroom to see them still sleeping. I moisturized my body and put on some black skinny jeans and a cream sweater. I slipped on some ballerina slippers and headed downstairs to start breakfast. It was eerily quiet. I felt like I was being watched. Ignoring my thoughts I began to gather the things I needed to make a massive breakfast. I made bacon, sausage, eggs, hashbrowns, French toast and cut up fresh fruit. Setting the table I had that feeling again. I picked up the knife now knowing exactly who it was.

Kelly: Why did you keep this from me?~turning around~

Micah: What was I suppose to say Kelly. Hey I'm a shape shifter, wanna be one to. Kelly I know what this looks like.

Kelly: What. Like you set me up. You were going to trick me into this instead of being honest with me. How did you even know it would work. I could have died last night. What if I wasn't compatible for them.

Micah: ~circling her. Looking at her up and down. ~ Wait a minute! They must had put up a shield last night and it's still up. What exactly happened last night? After Larry told me to leave I couldn't hear or feel any of you. Did you mate with them? ~smiling at her~

Oh shit! She doesn't know. I was about to answer her when loud footsteps were coming down the stairs. The twins. Both in nothing but matching gray joggers, black socks and clearly NO UNDERWEAR. YIKES!!!!

Larry: ~walking to Kelly, grabbing her face and pecking her lips.~ Good morning baby.

Kelly: Good morning to you. How did you sleep?

Larry: like a baby. ~looking at the table of food~ Oh shit, food. ~pecking her lips again and going over to the table to fix himself a plate.

Micah: Um, hello to you to Larry.

Laurent: He is still a little pissed at you. Don't worry he'll be fine after he eats. ~ grabbing Kelly by the waist and pulling her close kissing her with more passion than last might.~ Good morning my love.

Kelly: Morning. ~blushing~ did you sleep alright?

Lau: No. You left me.

Kelly: I wanted to make breakfast for everyone. I'm sorry.

Laurent: Don't be. Its ok. I called the doctor. We leave after we eat.~kissing her again and pulling her to the table~. Sit and eat you need your nourishment after last night.

We sat down to eat and Micah was still stuck in place with her mouth wide open.

Micah: Can someone please tell me what's going on or at least take the shield down.

Larry: No. You almost fucked up our future. You should thank my brother for you even standing here right now. If he had not convinced my baby and she left, I would have killed you.

Micah: what do you mean he convinced her. So It did happen. Oh My God!!! This is amazing. So that's why your going to the doctor. Can I come.

Larry: Hell NO!!!

I placed my hand on Larry's cheek caressing it to calm him down. His skin was turning red and it was hot. I got up and sat down on his lap pulling his face between my hands. Looking Into his now golden eyes.

Kelly: Baby breath. It's ok. I'm yours now. You and Lau's. I'm right here.

Larry: But what if you would have said no.

Kelly: I didn't. I made my decision. Now come on let's go get ready and see how many pups we're having.

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