Rejection Kills- Introducing Me

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(A/N) This is my second story here on wattpad. Go easy on me? Its different, I promise. Candace Lovelac pkayed by Alexis Knapp.

°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°CANDACE'S POV°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°

I chewed on the back of my pencil expecting to have mind-blowing lyrics, but came to face a blank sheet with a few doodles in the corners. "Candace, you've been in her all day," my best friend, Louera, complained. "Get up and get youself moving, we have all week to write that damn song."

Hi, I'm Candace Selene Lovelac, yes, the Candace Lovelac. I am a singer in one of the britians' mist famous all-girl bands, One-Hundred Degrees, with my best mates, Louera, Summer, Aubrey and Jade. Life's great. I've got everything a seventeen-year-old could ask for. Oh yeah, and one more thing...

I'm a werewolf. We all are. Yep, all that shibang and creatures that go bump in the night, they exist.

"But I don't even have a single verse. Look at this!" I cried dramatically, shoving the sheet in Louera's hands. "You drew a unicorn." she stated, looking at me disapprovingly. "I've told you, a million times, just because fairies exist, unicorns do. not. have. to." She tore the unicorn between each word,

"Lou's right, Cands. Spend some time with your 'best friends'." Aubrey suddenly said, appearing out of nowhere. I felt a pang of guit. 'Maybe I should tell them...' NO. I don't want them to worry.

Sighing, I gave up. Theres' no use anyway, I just wanted a meaningful song, something for people to remember me with when... it happens. 'No, our mate will help us.' my wolf tried to assure me. He won't. I dont even know if he exists! Or if he'll want me. I felt sadness wash over me, thinking about my mate rejecting me.

"Helloooooo?" Louera's voice brought me back to reality. "What?" I asked, still kind of sad about my depressing thoughts. Louera has always been the prettiest, her brown eyes are friendy and welcoming, her brunette waves are always glossy and perfect. My brown curls are equally beautiful, and my pale blue eyes make you aware that I'm not the nicest bitch around. Aubrey blew her light blonde locks out of her eyes and glared at me with her dark green eyes. She couldn't intimidate a rabbit if she tried.

"What's our next stop?" Summer's friendly voice asked, looking amused at my choice of clothes. A rainbow colored singlet and silver shorts do not go together. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention? We're on tour. Next stop- Vancouver!


(A/N) Should I continue it?





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