Rejectioin Kills-Vancouver

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(A/N) Hey! How are you? Happy reading. -M.

××××××××××××××××××××ΔCandace's PovΔ×××××××××××××××××××××

Smiling at our fans, they're so nice! they came to the airport to welcome us! This is crazy! I pushed my sunglasses up my nose, trying to be as social with them as possible. I signed a fr

ew autographs, took a few pictres, and made my way to the waiting SUV. Aubrey and Summer were already seated, Summer tends to get a little tense when they're screaming fans, they scare her.

As we reached our hotel, I was exhausted out of my mind, a good cup of tea would do me good. Yes, I'm british. We all are. My accent fascinates a lot of people. Slipping into a blue and white striped tank, and white shorts, I flopped down on the comfy looking chairs in the living room. Us being celebrities, we get awesome hotels. Not much later, the girls joined me.

'If only we could stay like this forever' I thought as Jade slipped an artificial snake down the back of Summer's shirt. She screamed loudly and I burst out laughing, swallowing my tears. "Jade, leave the poor girl alone," Aubrey scolded, even though she was grinning, too.

"Girls," Louera said, getting off her phone. "Theres' pack territory here. The alpha wants to make sure we're no threat. We're meeting him tomorrow."

I rolled my eyes. Us? A threat? The last thing we did wrong was yell at a guy in a candy store because 'He stole my chocololololate!'. We're weird, get used to it.

"Wanna go shopping, pretties?" Summer asked, she's always up for a good shopping trip, as am I. All tiredness disappeared and now I was on my feet with excitement written all over me. They all laughed at me. 'They'll defenitely mention this on my funeral' I mused, but I knew not much time was left before it happens. Trying to hide my pained expression, I bolted to my bags to pick out a pair of white and blue stiped vans that matched my shirt. Throwing on a blue fishnet over-wear, I grinned at my amazing friends. I'm so lucky to have these amazing girls.

I know I shouldn't, but I was thinking of what'll happen to my mum after... me.My dad was a wolf, which is why I am a wolf, but he was married when he got my mum pregnant. Sick man. Who would do that to their mate? But I heard, the wife's not the sweetest fruit in the basket either, and that they have a son a bit older than me, and a daughter about four or five. I've never met him, in fact, I don't even know his name. But I don't want to. I have my mum's last name. My mum, on the other hand, is a vampire. No, vampires cannot reproduce, my mum's family was blessed with a soul and reproduction. Behold... Me.

As the girls and I stalked through a mall, Stopping every now and then to buy something, I heard Louera constantly apologizing to someone. Turning around, I saw a guy, no older than twenty, who was obviously a werewolf, take Louera's hand that was trying to get his shirt, which she wet with her smoothie, and freeze. Louera's eyes shot up to meet his, and froze. Oh. My. God.

"Lou-lou! I cannot believe this, little Louera's growing up!" I exclaimed. Louera diverted her attention from her mate to glare at me. "You jelly?" she asked, still glaring. 'You have no idea' I thought but shook my head on the outside. "Hi, I'm Candace, Louera's best friend since she threw a diaper at me. You are?" I asked the stranger and almost gasped when I saw his face.

Him obviously seeing what I was, his jaw dropped open. It was absolutely amazing how much we both looked alike. We had the exact same cheekbones, same shape and color of our lips, noses and eyes different. But you couldnt tell we weren't related. 'You are' my wolf suddenly made an appearance. 'What?' I asked her. 'Hes your dads' son.' she stated.

"Bloody hell, your my brother!" "Sh*t, your my sister?" we both exclaimed a the same time.

"Uh, what?" Louera's confused voice came. 'Lou, I told you about my dad having a son, right?' I sent through mind-link. 'OH yeah! This is him? Omg, we're gonna be sisters!'

"Half-sister-in-laws. Wow. Candace, who knew that we'd really be sisters!" she squealed. I smiled softly at her. "I'll give you and..." I trailed off, not knowing my half-brothers' name yet. "Justin," he said. "I'll give you and bieber time to get to know each other." smirking, I shot off towards, well, wherever I saw shoes.

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