Rejection Kills- Soulmates

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(A/N)Seventeen-hundred reads. Thankyou, and keep on voting! -M.


★Candy's Pov★

I straightened out my choice of outfit for today, and smirked at myself with my dark lips. I loved the new me, but that doesn't mean I don't miss Candace. But this is me, I have to accept it. Winking at my reflection, I trodded down the dirty stairs of my flat. This place was completely filthy, but who cares?

I used vampire speed to get myself to the huge building that was labeled 'Payne Towers'. For some reason, the name 'Payne' excited me. Ugh, I'm going crazy. I entered the building, receiving strange looks from the wolves there. I walked over to the reception where a blonde woman was seated. She couldn't be older than twenty-one. "Um, hi. I'm here for a job interview with Mr.Payne?" I morely stated than asked.

"Name?" she asked boredly. "Candy Santier," that caught her attention. "A Santier?" she muttered to herself before clearing her throat. "Eighteenth floor, Mr.Payne's office is the first door on the right."

I nodded, making my way to the elevator. I needed time to think this through. Pushing the button for the eighteenth floor, I let myself relax a bit. Taking a deep breath, I calmed my racing heart. For some reason, I felt excited to meet the mystery 'Soon-to-be-Alpha'. The dinging sound startled me as I saw the doors of the elevator open. I walked out, clearing my mind.

I stopped, smelling a delicious chocolatey scent. The last time a scent intoxicated me some much was when... I met Teagan. More like saw, but you get my point. My soulmates' here! I recomposed myself, knocking twice on the door labeled, 'Payne'. I can somehow never get enough of that name. (A/N that rhymed)

"Come in," a husky voice rang, making me buzz with excitement. I turned the knob, pushing the door open. A wave of the intoxicating scent hit me so hard, I almost toppled over. My eyes widened, seeing the man behind the desk.

His milky brown hair was short, but it suited him. His puppy dog brown eyes were taking me in as I did him. He had a lean, yet muscular body which almost sent me drooling, but I kept my cool. This is him! My soulmate!!

"Mate," he whispered and I nodded, hoping he wouldn't run off like Teagan did. He rose from his desk and I saw he was tall, about five'eleven, and had the most alluring aura. I felt myself walking towards him without knowing it, my body seemed like it had a mind of its' own. I felt his strong arms wrap around my waist, and pulled me into the most sensual kiss ever.

This was some unrealistic, the sparks were flying, my lips tingled and my insides burned in delight. I could stay here forever, I thought as I wrapped my arms around his neck. A throat clearing made me break apart from my mate, whom I still didn't know the name of. His lips traveled along my jaw, ignoring the interuption. "Liam," I recognized the Alphas' voice. My mate, whom I now know is Liam, lifted his head, looking at his dad with a bored expression. "Yes?"

I lightly pushed him away, causing him to look at me confusedly. I raised an eyebrow at him, my cheeks flaming at being caught. He understood and looked back at Alpha Payne. "I believe this was supposed to be a job interview," Alpha Payne stated. "It was, but she's got the job, no interview needed." Liam stated back. "In fact, Candy, I believe, will be my assistant. I would like to stay close with my mate,"

Alpha Payne just stared at him. I was beinning to grow anxious that he wouldn't accept the fact I was his sons' mate, but he startled me by smiling. "Well," he started. "then I'll leave you to it." and he was gone.

I looked back at Liam, noticing I hadn't said a word since I was here. "Hello, mate." I said quietly, tracing a finger along his neck. I felt him shiver, and smiled softly. "Hey," he whispered, pressing me closer to him. I sighed contently. I never got this, but I'm glad I did now. The electricity buzzing through my body at the closeness and the never ending trail of thoughts that rushed through my brain. I finally found him.


"Nooo!" I cied as my paper ball rebounded out of the bin. "You cheated!" I accused my competitor. He just smirked at me. "No, I've simply got skill," he stated. "And muscles." he flexed his muscles. I laughed at hi, "Barely," I lied. Hehe, the look on his face was absolutely priceless!

We'd been messing around in his office the whole afternoon. Word had spread that Liam found his mate, they just didn't know who. Liam, on the other hand, was trying to figure out my back story, but I just kept telling him it wasn't the time. I did want to he a hundred-percent honest with him, but where do I even begin?

"Kidding," I said as he glanced at his arm over and over again. "Why won't you tell me?" he asked, looking into my eyes. "Because..." I trailed. "I don't want to relive it, especially since I'm happy again," honesty is the best policy. I think. He gave me a confused look, but brushed it off. I'm so glad he's understanding.

After our game of paper tossing, Liam decided staying in his office was just getting boring, I agreed. Some he wanted to 'take me out' and we were just leaving when he stopped at the reception. "Beth, would you check if my schedules' clear?" he asked the blonde woman at the desk, who I remember from earlier. I noticed her oogling at Liam, so I gave her a glare that clearly said 'back the hell off'.

And the bitch had the audicity to glare back. "Sure, Mr.Payne," she practically purred. I didn't like the way she said my mates' name, looked at him, or even breathed near him. I hated it, and I don't know how long I'd go until I personally ripped her throat out. Liam raised an eyebrow at my stiff, irritated posture. I just gave an irritated sigh. 'Beth' finally decided to speak up, "All clear, but as I recall, you and I had a small meeting tonight."

That did it. I ripped Liams' arm from my waist and grabbed the front of the bitch's shirt. "You," I growled. "better stay away from 'Mr.Payne', because I will rip your fake-ass blonde hair off your head and choke you with it before you even know what's going on."


Liam was pretty surprised at my outburst, but he enjoyed it nontheless. "Sooo, are you going to so that to any female who dares to glance at me?" his amused voice made me mad. "Hm, maybe, I'd you stop responding, I wouldn't." my voice was irritated. Obviously. "I did not respond!" he defended. I just shook my head. "Whatever," I muttered under my breath before huffing out a breath.

"I dont get it," Liam said from behind me. "Why are you so mad?" if only he knew.

"Forget it, no matter what, we'll always be together."

"Thats why," I started. "We're called Soulmates."

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