Rejection Kills- Meeting

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(A/N) My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when I saw the response, my wifi's been PMSing lately... so sooo sorry about not updating, I was busyy... summers hard! But 6.3K reads is a hell lot! ILY GUYS, MUAH! Chapter dedicated to Ayza:) Happybirthdaybroo -M.


★Candy's Pov★ (I miss writing Candace)

Calming my nerves and wiping my sweaty palms off my shirt, I took deep breaths.

"I'm not sure I can do this," I muttered loud enough for Liam to hear.

"Yes, you can!" he encouraged.

"I'm not going to do this, I don't even have any experience!" I argued back.

"Don't shit with me, your gonna be fine!"


"Uh huh!"



"Nu-" I got cutt of by Liam's soft lips. That corny idiot. Refusing to respond to the electric current buzzing through my body, every part of me awakening, I pulled away and slid my phone out of my pocket.

I had 6 messages, 2 missed calls and a voicemail. "Someone's popular," I heard Liam mumble, but I acted like I didn't hear it, and reas through my texts instead.

'Cover for me? I'm out with ducks:) -Jem' one read, Jem and I's code language for when she was with Brian.

'I HEARD YOU DID THE DEED LAST NIGHT. HOPE YOU STAYED SAFE. -CALLUM.' Callum had some obsession with capital letters, dont ask. And yes, Liam and I mated last night. I could feel a blush spreading accross my cheeks. Thank goodness Liam didn't notice.

'What're you doing today? -Mandy' Mandy was one of the friends I made here, other than the boys. The other texts were just some people from the pack, whom I gave my number to, asking how o was, and about if Liam and I completed the mating. But I'm sure, with the new found connection in their mind, they know the answer.

'Don't worry, hon. I got it covered;) -Candyy' I replied to Jem. 'Going to some meeting thingy with Liam, after meeting Ruth and Nicola.' I sent back to Mandy. I decided to ignore Callum, and flopped down next to Liam on the bed, not bothering to check anything else. Liam got up, nd scooped me in his arms. I squealed a little, not expecting it.

"Nicola and Ruth are here," he told me excitedly. I nodded at him, not really taking in what he said, I was too busy checking him out. Wait--what!? Oh God, what if his sisters don't like me? What if they think I'm not pretty enough for Liam? What if-- I was cut off by Liam abruptly spinning me in his arms, and setting my down slowly, giving me the opportunity to gaze into his warm, chocolatey eyes.

Different squeals brought me back to reality when I was ripped out of Liams arms, and suddenly being hugged by whom I presume are Liam's sisters. "Um, hi?" it came out more like a question, they stoppd smothering me, and started taking together.

I couldn't make out a word they said, they talked fast and at the same time. My eyes were wide, and Liam noticed my discomfort, so he shut them up. I like his sisters already.


After meeting Nicola and Ruth, Liam and I changed and left for the meeting his dad asked to go to. I picked at the radio, trying to find a good song to listen to. Frustrated, I randomly pushed a button, making the speakers blare Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO. I grinned, I'll have to try pressing random buttons more often!

After a massive audience-less performance by Liandy, Liam and I's ship name by Jem, we headed inside. I was in awe of the massive place where the meeting was held. It was at the BlackWolf Pack House, and it was extravagant. Liam chuckled at my expression, causing me to glare at him. He looked a little tense, which was confusing me.

Entering the massive ball room, which had people filling it. The power in the air was so much, it was almost suffocating. Clinging on to Liam's arm, I let my eyes drift through the crowd of people, taking in the mass of Alphas' and Lunas. I did a double take when I thought I saw someone similar to my best friend, and almost gasped when I saw her. Jade was standing next to her mate, who I remeber as an Alpha. Of couse she would be here.

I noticed Liam making conversation with the other Alphas, so I excused myself and went to meet Jade.

★Liam's Pov★ (Sorry, I didn't feel like writing the whole 'meeting jade' thing)

I was talking to one of my old friends, who was now an Alpha, when Candy excused herself. I just lightly kissed her cheek, making her lips twitch up in a smile. That had me grinning like an idiot. "Man, you are so whipped!" Troy laughed, seeing my mad smile. Troy hadn't found his mate yet, but I knew he really wanted to.

"You'll be like that once you find your mate," I smirked as his laughter died down, and a small spark appeared in his eye. "I will," he said morely to himself. "And I'll love it."

Letting my eyes drift to my mate, who was with some girl practically attacking her with hugs. I recognized her from the magazines and pictures Candy had been collecting, she was in her band. I couldn't help but notice how perfect Candy was.

Her violet sundress stood out from the formal gowns, and made her look as gorgeous as ever. I had claimed her last night, I just couldn't help it. I needed to be fully bonded with her before I went insane.Every little movement of hers excited me. I knew it wouldnt go away until Camdy had a drink of my blood, but I was secretly enjoying it.

I didn't really care what anyone said, Candy and I are perfect together. But it doesn't feel right to call her Candy. I faintly heard Troy's voice, but didn't pay much attention to it. "Liam?" Troy snapped me back from my trance. "Huh, yeah?" I asked, compketely clueless as to what he was saying.

"This is Alpha Teagan, of the Lupus pack?" he introduced. Ah, nice to finally meet the asshole himself. My wolf was begging to surface, wanting to rip him apart for hurting our mate, but I calmed him. "Liam, Liam Payne." I said flatly, giving his hand a firm shake.

I noticed a blonde woman hanging off his arm, I would say she was pretty, but I'd be lying. She was practically eye-raping me and it was seriously making me uncomfortable. Its more than damn obvious she wasn't his mate, or she wouldn't be eyeing other men.

Troy amd I were ingrosed in conversation, when I felt an uneasy feeling go through me. But the feeling wasn't mine. I looked around for Candy, but came with nothing. 'Love, where are you?' I sent through our mate-bond. 'Liam?' her confused reply worried me. I picked up her scent, and followed it outside.

★Candys Pov★ (Sorry for POV switching)

After being smothered by Jade, I felt a bit funny so I went to find a loo. Once I was done, I noticed someone outside. I sighed in relief when I saw it was Liam, but something was off. "Hey, Beautiful." he greeted. I didn't feel chills and my heart stayed normal. An uneasy feeling washed over me as I realized one thing. That wasn't Liam.



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