Rejection Kills- Meeting the Devil/ Rejection

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(A/N) Sorry for the shortness in the last chapter. This ones' better. But don't hate me, k? Cause I love you. Yeah, its rejection and tears. All the chapters are sad and miserable right now, please, don't cry, Y'all have pretty eyes, we don't want them all red and puffy. And bear with me, I'm twelve.


Today, we were going to meet the Alpha. To say I looked good would be an understatement. Going back to last night, you would think I look like a mess, but honestly, I look amazing. My natual curls fell accross my shoulders gracefully, covering up my neck and shoulders like straps. My dss was strapless and white. With pink, black and grey flowers printed everywhere. It flared t my waist and came about mid-thigh.

My make up was natural, white eye shadow, some mascara, and light pink lip-gloss. I covered up evidence of crying by some foundation and cover-up. I love my mom for teaching me this, its amazing. Over all, I looked like a pretty little girl, but giving my outfit some edge, I wore high, light pink heels. Even the girls were surprised at how good I looked. Its safe to say, I look awesome! Winking at my mates, I put my freshly manicured hand on my hip. "Let's go?" I asked my amazing best friends.

The pack house was huge! Me being the daughter of a vampire, I had never really been in a pack house. Even though the whole thing was a dull grey, it was awesome! Like it was in the damn middke of the frikkin woods! The girls and I elegantly walked in the house, smiling at drooling guys, and smirking at glaring, envious girls, Ah, I love this. I don't need my mate, him not finding me wouldn't have made a difference. No matter what, I cannot be cured. And I should tell them soon, I don't have much time.

Waltzing into the Alphas' meeting room, I smelt my mate. Snapping my head forward, I saw him. He was seated in the very front of the table, his arm around a blonde woman, obviously fake, amd I would be lying if I said it didnt hurt, but I masked my feelings. 'Mateee' my wolf whined. 'Get bitch away from my mateee!' she screamed, and I fliched, making people stare at me wierdly. "Candace," a husky voice rang out. "Huh?" I asked, completely unaware of what they were talking about. I noticed Justin was there, too.

"May I speak to you alone?" my mate-erm, I think he was the alpha. Well, this is gonna hurt. I thought bitterly. "Sure" I agreed, wanting it to happen as quickly as possible. He led me to an empty room, as I stood there nervously.

"Just do it, get it over with. By the way, how old are you? You look old." I said wierdly. "Twenty-three," he sighed. "And its not old." "Yes, it is, I'm seventeen, I don't want an oldy either. Do it." "Fine."

"I, Teagan Morris reject you, Candace Lovelac as my mate," and I could feel my heart breaking apart. Sh*t! Why didn't I think of this before! Rejection is going to speed up the process! Running out of the room with hot tears streaming down my face, I burst into the meeting room, grabbed Louera, and ran out, into the woods. Sobbing hysterically, while Louera tried to figure out what was wrong. "Lou-lou. He rejected me." I sobbed. Louera kept mumbling comforting words, and saying how he isn't worth it. Little did she know, my tears were for something else.

"No, Lou. Tou don't understand," I sobbed. "I lied to you, I have something very important to tell you."


(A/N) Please don't hate me, I'll update soon. Maybe tomorrow, but it depends on the votes and reads, comment, too please. Sorry if they're any mistakes. I love you guys!





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