Rejection Kills- Another Me

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(A/N) update, and comment, vote, read, fan.... because I'll stop writing if you don't -_- I have such less votes, more for the next chap, just vote, pleasee

<><><><><><><><><Candace's Pov(Haha, surprise)><><><><><><><><><><><>

I felt stronger, stronger than I've ever felt. This feeling, it was undescribable. I loved it, it felt like I could do anything, like I was invincable. I couldn't really move, but I could listen. I heard all my friends' speeches and they were so sweet, it almost brought me to tears. When I was sure they we're finished, I spoke, "Touchy,"

I heard collective gasps all around the church. One being myself. I sounded different, but the same. My voice had more power, seductiveness, which I couldn't quite put my finger on. I slowly rose from my coffin thing ((A/N) Idk how Christian funerals go, I'm Muslim) and took a look around. Everyone was dresed I. black, obviously, but I noticed my killer was there, too. Looking at him, I felt nothing. Not a spark, warmth, nothing. Nothing but remorse, I loathed him. He killed me, but made me me.

I smirked at everyone, but they looked shocked and confused. "Candace, this is what you meant. I knew you'd come back, but, what happened to you?" Jade asked. What happened to me? I'm pretty sure they knoe how I died. My face probably mirrored my confusion, because pulled out a small mirror. She handed it to me, and I brought it infront of me to see 'what happened to me'. My eyes widened as I took myself in.

My hair was now a dark black, so dark that it had a blue tint to it. My eyes were the same pale blue, but with more sharpness and perfection. My lips were a maroon-ish red and my lashes were twice as long. This was crazy! "Woah," I started. "This is insane, I have fangs!" I exclaimed, I did! Omg, white, long and sharp fangs.

"You're a vampire, fates' given you a second chance, as this, but youre beautiful," my mum stated. Vampire? I never wouldve expected this, and judging the looks on everyone else's faces, they didn't either. "How are you not my mate anymore?" Teagan's voice rang out. "Because," mum started. "She's a vampire, vampires don't have mates, they have soulmates, its stronger, because they live for an eternity. Your wolf and Candace's wolf was bonded, she doesn't have her wolf anymore, so you have no connection."

Oh, well, I have another soulmate, cool! I hope he's not an asshole, that would suck... but I'm going to find him. "I'm leaving," I stated. Everyone looked confused, "I can't stay, I'm dead. How do I go infont of the world like Candace Lovelac when she's dead?

Guys, I need to leave, nobody will know me, I can't stay, okay? And if I have another soulmate, I'm finding him. I can't go by my real name anymore, its not possible. I'll travel the world as someone else, but I will find him." I cleared.

"You're right, love. You deserve this," my best friend said softly. "Mmhmm," Summer agreed, "you deserve to find him." The others agreed and I finally said it,

"I'll miss you all, and I love you guys, but this is my chance, I'm starting over, I'll be fine, and I'll come visit!" I winked. They all said they're goodbyes and I was about to speed off, but turned around to say one last thing,

"Oh and, tell our fans, I'll always be there, there's a song sheet underneath my matress in the guestroom, record it, I wanna hear it on the radio, kay?"


(A/N) I told you not to loose hope in Candace, sooo. um, is it good or should I discontinue the story? Votem comment fan, I love you guys! -M.

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