Rejection Kills- Flack

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(A/N) Oh My God! Thankyou guys so much for the amazayn response and haha the old friend is not Cayde! Read further to know, but he is related to him! ×× Oh and check out my story, 'Over Again' and my next story is either going to be called 'Badboy Fairytale' or 'Dangerous' so stay tuned bebz!


★Liam's Pov★

"I know, I know who sent the letters," I blurted before I even knew what I was doing. I didn't want to worry Candace about this, it could hurt her or the baby and I wasn't going to let that happen. It sickened me knowing that someone could be so cruel, shallow and power hungry that they'd take an Alpha's mate who is also carrying his pups.

I wouldn't let them even come close to her, even if they thought that they could win from us. My mind was overloading because our enemy already has more fighters than us and I knew there were going to be casualties and that Candace would feel she's the reason it happened. I knew we needed more, but where would I get an entire pack's warriors to help me out?

I knew a lot of Alpha's, but none would I call for this. "Liam?" Candy snapped me out of my thoughts. "Yeah?" I mumbled, still worried. "Just tell me!" she growled and her fangs enlonged. Oh sh*t. Never mess with a pregnant girl. Never.

"Its Cayde's father," I stated angrily. That man never left us alone, did he? I hated his guts, he wasn't born to rule, he was selfish and cunning. I felt sorry for his pack, but then I remembered that that's the pack that's coming to fight in the war against us.

I saw Candy's face and it was anythig but calm. She looked like she would throw up any minute and I knew she might. I leaned over her, rubbing her back and slowly rubbing a hand up and down her arm. "Breathe, baby." I said softly. She took a few deep breaths and turned to me.

"Rocusa Arlax is Cayde's father?" she asked making me freeze. How did she know him? I looked t her confused, how does Candy know Rocusa? He was my dad's cousin, adopted by my grandparents at birth sice his parents died in war. But how Cayde and I turned out to look almost like twins, we'll never know.

"Candace, how do you know Rocusa?" I asked softly, not wanting to push her or make her angry in any way because I don't think I can handle more of that. She twitched and her eyes shone with anger. Crap. "Rocusa is my mom's ex," she started and my eyeborws furrowed. How does that help? "He used to be nice, and he bought be presents all the time. I was a kid, I didn't know what exactly was going on when he told me that I would be next to him in the throne.

"I didn't understand it until later, and I set up a trap and made it look like he was cheating on mum so she'd break up with him. She did, and he swore to me that I'd be sorry."

After she was done, it all made sense. So he'd been stalking Candace while pretending to be in love with her mother. He'd just been planning it the whole time. But how did he even get then notes in here? How was he on my territory without anyone knowing? The questions jumbled up in my mind giving me a massive headache. I felt Candy push me down on the bed and put my head in her lap. She massaged my temples, calming me and I slowly felt myself drift off into darkness.


★Candy's Pov★

As Liam slowly fell asleep, I heard a small knock on the door. I raised my head to see Callum and he looked mad. "Candy," he started. I raised an eyebrow. "Yes?" I whipered. "There was someone on the territory, we caught him and he's an Alpha's son. Cayde Arlax." he said making my eyes widen. What was Cayde doing here?

Deciding not to wake Liam, I slowly replaced my lap with a pillow and nodded at Callum. "Lead rhe way," I told him.


"Cayde," I stated, standing infront of him. Callum had warned me not to go alone but I wanted to talk to him. "Candy!" he said enthusiastically making my eyes widen. Um, okay? He looked so much like Liam it was almost scary, his style was different, though.

Tight black shirt, black skinny jeans and black nikes, I would be lying if I said he wasn't hot, but I only had eyes for Liam. I took a deep breath.

"Why are you here?" I asked him slowly, being careful with every word. "Stop acting like I'm going to bite you," he said smirking and my eyes narrowed at him. "Answer the question," I growled, these hormones are getting to me more than I thought.

"Listen," he said sighing. His smirk was replaced by an angry frown and he looked bothered. "My father is planning war against you, and you can't defeat him alone."

I raised my eyebrow. I knew that, but why was he here? "I have insides, I can help you. I can get you more warriors, you can beat him!" he said and his excitement was growing with every word, but I cut him off. "And give me one reason why we should trust you?" I said, glaring at him.

"Because," he started. "He killed my mother."

I gasped, I was not expecting that. "What?" I whispered, feeling guilty for judging him so quick, but I knew I couldn't just trust him. He looked at me with pain and tears shining in his eyes and I almost broke down right there. Damn hormones. "She wasn't his mate," he choked out. I stepped forward, putting a hand on his shoulder.

He shook his head, taking my hand and putting it back to my side. "He was mad," he continued. 'He was mad you found your mate and he took it out on her, he raped her and tortured her to death." by this time tears had slipped out of his eyes and were falling like a waterfall. I didn't think twice before pulling him into a hug, amd letting him cry on my shoulder.

"I believe you," I said softly. Maybe he isn't that bad. A little feeling tingled in me and I knew he wws going to find his mate in this pack. And I just hoped he'd stay on our side, and he'd keep his promise.


(A/N) Ugh I feel terrible, my eyes are dripping tears like theyre not able to do anything else and my stomach has cramps and my head hurts and I fucking hate my life. Kill me now, and end this misery. Writing and reading is my only escape, but I wish I could die peacefully and I would finally fucking be free, Sorry, I had to get that out.

Next chapter when 'Over Again' gets to 88 votes. And can you give me some name suggestions for Candy's baby? Oh and does anyone like Cayde? 'Cause he's HOT.



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