Our Hectic Day

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Hannah's POV

"Wait, did you just say it's like we're a couple?" I question as I am frozen mid stride with our new dog. Unable to move Jamie walks over and gives me a hug after realizing what he had said.

"I didn't mean it like we actually are a couple. I meant that we have known each other long enough that people who see us together probably think that we are together. Look I love you and no matter what happens to us, I will always be there for you. I hope that you will be there for me too. I have known you for the past fifteen years and I hope that we are friends for the rest of life. You understand? I Love you Hannah." That is what he said that made me cry for the second time today.

"You know if you keep doing this to me I won't have any tears left." Receiving a small laugh from J. "I just wasn't expecting you to say that and you know that I love you. I just have trouble trusting guys sometimes even though I have known you almost my whole life." I say that last sentence as quiet as possible. Jamie took my free hand and walked me inside to take our new member of our clan to his new house.

"I'm sorry, that wasn't my plan for today. Heck I didn't even plan on getting called to play for the Dallas Stars today. You know what for the rest of the day I say that we just relax with our new dog that we need to name by the way." He saves himself for making me cry twice in a day with me smiling about naming our dog.

"I say we name him Tyson, that was my first dog's name and it's been a while since it's been used for dog names in my many dogs that I have had." I say very enthusiastically trying to convince Benny boy.

"I enjoy that name for a dog even though it is a stereotypical boxer name." he says with a chuckle at the end.

"I know, the stereotypical boxer name of Tyson, but I love it. He also looks like a Tyson." I say sitting on the floor petting Tyson.

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