Well this sucks

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July 4th 2013

Hannah's POV

This past year has been hell. Jamie and I still haven't really made up nor have we really broken up. We had this really unhealthy relationship with each other for this past year. I had school and he had hockey which kept us busy for the most part but when we were together it was awkward. We never really talked and when we did it was hateful words we would speak to each other.

"Jamie I think we need to break up."


"Because whatever the hell we are doing now isn't good for us. We are dragging each other down and we should be helping each other reach the goals that we have set. I think that we need to see other people."

"Do you know that the Stars picked up Tyler Seguin?"

"What does that have to do with this?"

"Well he is single and he would probably want to go out with you when he gets here."

"Benny boy if you are really upset about Tyler Seguin coming to Dallas to take me away from you, you should have fought for me starting this time last year."

"You haven't called me that in a really long time I have missed it."

"I know you do and I am serious I am breaking up with you. If you still want me you are going to have to fight for me. I'll give you to the start of next season to prove yourself. Show me that you are worth it otherwise I might take up that offer of going after the new kid. I heard he's good and hot."

"Hannah I have always loved you and I always will. You're not supposed to say that. You are supposed to say that I'm the best and that Tyler sucks and that he will just fuck things up."

"I know now prove it I have to go fill out job applications so I'm not broke for the rest of my life. Nice try he isn't as bad as you think he is and it might be a good idea for you to welcome him to Dallas. He might need someone more his age to hang out with. In Boston most of them were a good five years older than him some even more. "

"You know the Stars are hiring right?"

"Well the Houston Texans are too. They have that JJ guy and I have heard that he is single too. You're going in the right direction but you're not getting let in that easy."

"I know but at least apply so then I could be near you."

"I'll think about it."

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