Surprises All Around

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We ride the elevator up to the third floor and find room 316. I take a peek into the room to see what he looks like. He looks so familiar to me and I cannot put a finger on why until he moves his face slightly towards the door. It was one of my childhood friends I haven't really talked to him since Jamie and I left in 2009.

"Tyler I know him. I grew up with him and I didn't even know he was down here in Houston, Texas let along the United States. His name is Matt Pool and I have had very little contact with him since I was 18. He was the one guy friend that was my age and I have about three months on him. I guess that we have something else in common now."

"Okay I am going in and I will bring you up somehow. You take that time while I am talking to him to collect yourself alright?"

"Yeah whatever."

I watch him go in and introduce himself to Matt and the girl with him. Fuck I forgot to tell Tyler that Matt hates hokey. I also know that Tyler can sometimes struggle with his words. I hope he doesn't start to struggle too much in there while I wait. At one point I see him wave me in.

Tyler's POV

I walk into the room and see why they are great friends. They have a very similar way they carry themselves even though they are both sick.

"I'm Tyler Seguin of the Dallas Stars. I am here to visit with a friend. We are visiting men in this hospital with breast cancer and you happen to be the only one. My friend also has breast cancer and she has struggled a lot in her life time. She has a great fiancé and let's just say the past few years have been hard on her. She is here and I think that you two would get along great. She loves sports and I have a feeling that you love sports too. You know she moved down here in 2009 for school and she moved from Victoria British Columbia. Okay now I'm just rambling."

Just as I am about to wave her in he stops me.

"I do love sports but I don't like hockey. I am wondering why you are here alone with this girl and not with the rest of the team with kids. It seems that is what sports teams do when they visit the hospital. Visit sick kids and usually during the winter holidays. So why are you here?"

"You'll know when she comes in."

I wave her in this time and she seems antsy about coming into the room but she does.

Hannah's POV

"Hannah, what are you doing here?"

"I'm visiting males with breast cancer and I should be asking what you're doing in Houston?"

"Well I moved here with my fiancé about a year ago and I found out in about May that I have stage two breast cancer."

"Have you checked what I have posted on Twitter recently?"

"No why?"

"I don't know how else to say this but I have stage three breast cancer. I didn't really plan on seeing one of my best friends today and find out that he has cancer. I wasn't really planning on seeing you again anytime soon. I haven't seen you in over six years. I don't think that I ever would have thought that we would both have cancer let alone the same cancer. God, Matt I'm dying and these past few years have been hell and I guess that I have just given up."

"Simba sit." He moves over so I can sit next to him, "I understand that you have been through hell these last few years and that life is hard but you have to fight. You have to fight for your future."

"No I don't have to fight for my future because the past few years have been so bad that I would rather die from cancer than to live longer to remember these past few years. Do you even know what I have been through for the past few years? No you know what don't answer that I will tell you what has happened. I have had at least 15 people that I know in the past four years die. Whether it be murdered, suicide, health related problems, accidents or natural causes. I was raped when I was in school. On top of all of this shit going on with my life me and my fiancé have had an up and down relationship. As of a few hours ago I don't even know if he is still my fiancé. I have little positive things to live for anymore."

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