Harper and some of the Truth

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This is kind of what I was thinking of for the tattoo in this chapter but it would have the initials of the dogs by the paw.

Hannah's POV

"Hey Hannah, you ready for this?" He asks as we are facing the stadium.

"As ready as I can be for the game." I say grabbing his hand. I haven't been to a game in over seven years and I hardly stay up on who is the champion. I stay up to date somewhat with the Cubs and the Reds because those are the two teams my family follows.

The year that he died we went on a road trip to Calgary to see Dallas play Calgary. We also went to Seattle as much as possible to see baseball games. It was an entertaining seven months. It was the time that we got the closest. Those seven months heavily influenced why I wanted to get into sports management.

"You guys are the best looking couple here." A voice says from behind us. Forcing us to turn around and see who the voice belonged to.

"J I changed my mind I can't do this." I say letting him go and head back to the car.

"Well that turned out a lot different than I thought. I thought she would be excited to see her favorite player."

"I'm sorry it didn't go as planned."

"Thanks Bryce for coming out on your off day."

"Hey, can I have her phone number so I can explain why I was here?"

"That is something you will have to get out of her. She doesn't like baseball too much and this was her first attempt back in a while. Why don't you come back to my place with us and we can hang out."

"That's okay with me but what about her?"

"It will be better coming from you why you are here than me."

Hannah's POV

J gets back in the car finally after talking to Bryce Harper. We go back to his place for dinner and right as we get dinner started there is a knock on the door.

"You invited him over didn't you Jamie?"

"Yes I did, now go let him in; he's here to explain because I know you won't listen me."

"Fine I'll let him in. You're lucky I like you."

I open the door to Bryce with a sunflower in his hand. The second I see the sunflower I run to J's room and slam the door.

Jamie's POV

I hear the front door open then my bedroom door slam. I walk to the front door and see Bryce with a sunflower.

"That will do it buddy." I say pointing to the sunflower.

"I honestly didn't know it's one of my favorite flowers to look at."

"She would plant them every year with her dad and she hasn't planted one in seven years."

"What is so important about her dad?"

"That is why I wanted you to come over and let her explain. It's not my place to tell you about it. Let me go get her and put the sunflower on the front porch for now. Get comfortable and there is beer in the fridge and ice cream in the freezer. It's blue bell."

I go to my room and open the door slowly to see her in my spot on the bed with a photo album. It's one of the like twenty photo albums that Maggoo has made for us over the years.

"What year is that?" I ask sitting down on the end of the bed.

"2006." Is all she is able to get out.

"You need to tell him why you couldn't go to the game and why you ran away when you saw the sunflower."

"Why so he can make fun of me?" She says with tears falling.

"Now why would he do that?" I ask wiping away the tears that just fell.

"Because little things that remind me of him make me sad and run away from my fear of finally losing him."

"Stop that Banana. You will never fully lose him and you know why? You have an amazing family and you have some amazing friends that will never let you forget him. Your family and friends will help you when you fall down and don't know if you can do it. I know something that you need to do but before we do it you need to tell him."

"Why was he there any ways?"

"I know that you check his stats quite frequently for a "non-baseball" fan Banana. I wanted you to meet him but it didn't go quite as planed and he doesn't understand why you keep running from him after I told him you like him."

"What are we doing after we talk to him?"

"Just look at his wrist and you might get some ideas."

"But I already know that he has mom and pops tattooed on his wrists."

"If you don't want a tattoo then you can do something else."

"You know that I have a tattoo right?"

"What is it?" Bryce asks and both J and I look at him standing in the door frame.

"It's a paw print with the initials of all the past dogs that I have had. How long have you been standing there?"

"Just long enough to hear Jamie tell you to look at my wrist."

"When did you get the tattoo Banana?"

"The summer we had our fight and I regretted it at first because I was mad when I got it. I also regretted it because the fight was about my dad and I know how much he hated tattoos." 

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