Getting on the Right Track

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Jamie's POV

"Jamie Benn, you better get your ass over here." Hannah yells as she walks through the door at ten at night.

"You are lucky that I am still awake, beautiful. I'm sorry for being such an ass over the past year."

"Hey it's not all your fault. I wasn't being the best friend either." She says wrapping her arms around my torso. "Thank you for letting me go to Vegas with Bryce. It was needed and I know that we were just getting back on the right track right before I left. I would like to keep moving in that direction if that is okay with you?"

"I would love that but the one thing is you have to be my girlfriend again." I say picking her bridal style and walk us to my room.

"Yes that is fine with me." She says as I lay her down on my bed.

"Go to bed you have had a long day."

"Can you promise me one thing?"

"It depends on what it is."

"We get morning sex."

"Hell yes I'm up for that!"

"What time is your charity hockey game at tomorrow?"

"Not until 6 so we have most of the day to do whatever we want."

"Good, now I know that I have about a year left of school and this relationship is back on the right track, where do you see it going?"

"Well hopefully we are going to be together forever with little munchkins running around and maybe another dog or a cat."

"I love you."

"I love you too Banana."

"Good otherwise I would have to hurt you till you said it."

"Banana please don't ever leave me okay?"

"Why would you even say that?"

"You already have before."

"Look at me," shes say pulling me closer, "I love you and don't plan on leaving you any time soon and I don't have a reason to. Just don't give me a reason to leave you."

"I love you."

She fell asleep pretty fast that night but I stayed up thinking. Thinking of our rocky relationship and how its not how a relationship should be. I don't know if its the best idea for us to continue this relationship but if we could make it through so much so far then I think we can do it. I guess that we will see how the next few months go and go from there.

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