Don't Bow Down

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Mike's POV

As soon as I walked into the Pizzeria, I noticed the animatronics looked up at me, and their eyes all said the same thing. Sadness.

Being the dumb person I am, I went up to Freddy.
"Uhm, Freddy, what's wrong? You all look.. depressed." I spoke, hoping he wouldn't kill me. Toy Chica looked down, like she didn't want to cry, and Toy Bonnie sighed, and walked away. The only animatronic the looked like they were going to tell me was Toy Freddy.

"Doll was almost killed. We don't know if she'll ever be the same." He spoke, melancholy clear in his voice.
The news hit me hard.

I've never been on good terms with any of the animatronics, but Doll was different.
She's the only one that's fought for my life, or thought rationally. She's the closest thing I have to an animatronic friend.

I started thinking.
If I was a broken animatronic, where would I be?..
The back room! Duh! I hit my forehead, and started racing towards the back.

I slid into the room, to see Doll lying on the floor, her head on someone's lap.
I trailed my eyes up to see Foxy, his, um, hands? Trailing through her long hair, and talking to her, telling her about what's happening, and just rambling in general.

"And when Ye wake up, I promise I'll protect Ye, and ye'll be fine. Just wake up, lass."

"Foxy?" I called out, wanting to make sure he knew I was here. He looked up. "Mike! What brings Ye here?" He asked. I looked towards Doll. "I heard she had almost been killed, so I came to see if she was going to be okay." I answered.

He nodded, his fingers still playing with her hands.
"Foxy, I know we're not on the best terms, but will you be okay?" I asked. He looked up, sincere melancholy in his eyes. "I don't know..." He trailed off.

I nodded, understanding.
I had my own doll at home, and I would be able to live properly without her either.
I put my hand on Foxy's shoulder, letting him know I was here.

I was about to say I had to go to work, when something stopped me. Doll's fingers had twitched.
"Foxy!" I showed him.
Foxy grasped Doll's other hand, when she shot up.

"He's coming back!" She yelled, and then burst into tears. Foxy looked at me, confusion evident in his robotic features. He held Doll close, comforting her.

I took this as my cue to leave, but gave Foxy one last look. 'Take care of her, find out what's wrong.'

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