Chapter 31

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Ashfall was covered in grief, lying beside Windstorm, who was licking his ears, trying to comfort him. He still couldn't believe Shadowleap, one of his best friends, had left- left to be with Hawkstar, an evil cat who planned on destroying the Clans. He couldn't even find comfort in his son and mate anymore.

Scratchkit was playing inside the nursery today; it was cold outside, and with no other kits to play with, he would freeze.
"Watch this!" Scratchkit called. He was now five moons old, and would be apprentices soon.

"What is it?" Ashfall asked wearily.

Scratchkit leapt into the air, pawing viciously at the sky. He did a back flip before landing solidly back on his paws.

"That was very good." Windstorm praised from beside Ashfall.

"Yes," Ashfall agreed. He got out of the nest so he could give his son a lick on the head. "It was."

Scratchkit's eyes lit up with pride, and he purred with happiness- he loved being praised by both his parents.

Ashfall turned to Windstorm. "Our son is going to be the best warrior in EchoClan!" He purred.

"I agree." Windstorm said.

Scratchkit had went back to playing, swinging his paws at fake prey or enemy warriors- hissing fake threats while he was at it.
"I'll get you, you stupid bird!" He growled as he swiped at the air. Of course, there was no actual bird.

"I better go." Ashfall said. "Brownwhisker chose me to go to the Gathering tonight."

Windstorm frowned. "Keep an eye out for Shadowleap, will you? I'm really missing her. . . "

Ashfall nudged his mate. "I am too. You know, maybe I can get her to come meet us at the border!"

Just then, Riverwave appeared, her silver tabby coat shining in the sunlight. "You want to see Shadowleap?" She asked.


"I think I know who can help."



"But he's StormClan!"

"And he's also my friend."

It was the Gathering and many cats clustered around. It was bitingly cold, and most cats didn't want to leave their faithful warm companions.
"Where's ShadeClan?" Emberglow asked. They had filled her in on their plan, and she had reluctantly agreed.

"Over there." Ashfall nodded towards one of the groups of cats. ShadeClan was mostly dark pelted since they were always in the shady pines.
There was no black pelt of Shadowleap, which wasn't very surprising since she had been so close to kitting.
Hawkstar jumped onto the giant ledge and sat. He lifted his head in pride and joy. Probably because of Shadowleap.

His large brown pelt ruffled in the wind, along with the other two leaders. Brownwhisker reluctantly jumped onto the ledge, immediately greeted by Vinestar and Mudstar- Hawkstar simply kept his distance.

"Let the Gathering begin!" Vinestar announced from where she was sitting.

Hawkstar stood to his paws. Mudstar seemed to protest, but Hawkstar stopped him. "ShadeClan is well and good. We have one new kit," probably Shadowleap's, "And she is healthy and strong. She is born to Shadowglare, my mate."

He changed her name? Why? Why is life so cruel?

"Although the seasons are getting colder, ShadeClan is well-fed. There have been no foxes or badgers in the territory." Hawkstar glanced at Mudstar, who went next.

"The Clan is doing brilliantly well. The prey runs very good for leaf-bare, and we have one new warrior- Thunderfur."
He announced.

"Thunderfur! Thunderfur!" StormClan chanted. Then EchoClan joined in.

As the Gathering went on, it was nothing but the usual. When it was over, the cats began to mingle.

Riverwave walked over to Ashfall and Emberglow, shaking her pelt against the cold. "Have you seen Lightningpaw?" Emberglow asked.

"Yes." Riverwave rolled her eyes. Then a slightly smaller head poked out from behind her.

"Hi. I'm Lightningpaw." He meowed.

"We've heard." Ashfall said. "Do you know about Shadowle- I mean Shadowglare?"

"Isn't she Hawkstar's mate or something? Of ShadeClan?" Lightningpaw asked.

"She was EchoClan. Until she fell for that . . . That stupid fox-heart. Will you help us? We need to get in contact with her."

"Of course." Lightningpaw agreed. "Any friend of Riverwave is a friend of mine."

Then Brownwhisker called. "It's time to leave! Gather together, EchoClan!"

"We should really go," Riverwave purred. "Thanks, Lightningpaw. Meet by the border to talk more?"

Lightningpaw nodded. "Ok."

Then Lightningpaw left for StormClan, while Ashfall, Riverwave and Emberglow padded to Brownwhisker.
After, they began to walk home.

What an exciting day. I really hope that Lightningpaw can help- we need it.

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