Chapter 2: The Mighty Fall

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A/N~ Hey guys! So this fic is being written by two of us Reem (@musicergirl) and Elizabeth (@fandoms4ever____) and I guess we were too busy with writing chapters and everything so we could update once a week that we didn't think about interacting with you guys! So we will be interacting more and updating every Friday and we really hope you enjoy our story!

Dan's POV

   I recognized him the second he wandered into my gaze. How could I not? He was dressed in his red flannel shirt, it really brought out how blue his eyes truly were. Watching Phil's videos every day was a lifestyle choice of mine. I could probably quote any video at whatever given time.

   I take cautious steps walking outside the shopping centre after noticing Phil. I don't want him to think I'm stalking him. Besides, I'm not, it's more like... admiring from a distance.

  Once we're in the shopping centre I swear my eyes momentarily connect with his sea blue ones after he carefully scans my body. My heart rate speeds to faster than its been in years. Probably since the first time I watched one of his videos on YouTube. His eyes flicker downward as if he's putting up a block from me in his mind. What if he thought I'd been following him? I hadn't really, I had an appointment with my psychic, Delia Mellapples of Mellapples Psychics. I'd been coming there once a week for the past year.

   The area was painted dark purple with knick knacks of all sorts hung along the walls. One I particularly liked was a plate set of the planets rotating around the sun. All of the plates turned quickly on their own, I found them quite captivating. I snapped my mind from plate admiration to notice Delia facing away from me.

"Have a seat Daniel."

   She acknowledges my presence in a monotone yet clear voice.

   I take the seat infront of her and examine how she looks today.

   She's dressed in a purple tubular dress that reaches below her feet, causing it to scrunch up at the bottom. Her hair is golden brown and she wears her signature thick round glasses.

   Most other psychics were like bad analogies, they didn't make any sense.

"You were right Delia. He's here."

"Your soulmate, Daniel?"

   I pause hesitantly. Is she right? Phil Lester.. is my soulmate. Wow.

"Yes." I start with a wide grin.

   I look down as to not seem overly excited. Even though I know she can sense my energy.

"He's in the phone shop right now and I want to talk to him I just... Don't know how."

"Daniel, are you asking for my assistance?"

   I take a moment to consider. She's very powerful and could do anything. All in all, I trust her.

"Y-Yes." I stutter carefully.

   I sigh as she starts to chant something, her eyes are lightly shut. Lines on her face appear in tense concentration.

   I get suddenly dizzy, everything around me rapidly grows. Either that or I rapidly shrink.

   Oh no.

   Before I can even begin to comprehend this new view, a large palm drops before me. I climb up instinctively. Needless to say due to how unfit I am, I remain out of breath by the time Delia encloses her fingers around me.

"Hold on Daniel."

   She mutters some sort of spell and opens the dome of fingers she created around me so I can watch everything unfold.

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