Chapter 11: Drawn To A Flame

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A/N~ Yay it's finally up!! We have chapter 12 and 13 almost done so we will have chapters posted on Friday for the next two weeks for sure. Sorry for the wait, thanks for being patient with us (aha Thnka Fr Th Ptnc, no... Ok). But yeah, thank you guys so much for 320  reads, thanks for you patience, thanks for reading our story. We are so grateful for all of you who have read our fit and we hope you continue to read and enjoy the story.
~Elizabeth💕 and Reem🌺

Chris' POV

   When I see Phil walking away a pressure begins to form in my chest, getting more and more intense with each step. He opens the cafe door, walks out, and let's it shut behind him. When the door closes it feels like my chest is about to explode.

   You can't start developing feelings for him agin. It's not fair to Phil. I battle with myself over PJ and Phil for a while, replaying the party with PJ, the meet up with Phil.

How did Phil know about PJ? He could  only know from a post or something. Unless someone told him. I decide to check all of PJ's social media and find a picture of him and I kissing on Instagram.

   Being with Phil felt right, but it also felt right with PJ, just in a different way. With Phil I felt pure, safe. With PJ it was just the opposite, it was exhilarating.

My thoughts are broken when my phone goes off. It's a number I don't recognize, probably telemarketers.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hello, is this Chris Kendall?" A woman's voice asks from the other side of the phone.

"Yes it is, why?" I can feel panic fill my body.

"Phil Lester was just admitted into the hospital, you are his emergency contact."

"Is he okay? What happened?!" I ask in panic without regard for anything else in this moment.

"Sir, I can't give any information until you arrive at North Manchester General and I see ID"

"I-" Rage fills my voice and I take one large deep breath to try to calm myself down.

"I'll be on my way."

She hangs up the phone and I immediately lift my hand to indicate I need a cab.

When a black car stops in front of me I hop in with a thousand thoughts crazily flying through my mind.

"N-North Manchester General Hospital."

I see the large man nod and he immediately speeds through traffic. I can tell that he senses the utter fear in my chest. He's definitely speeding at this point but it doesn't matter, I wish I could find a way to transport to Phil directly in this moment.

The cab ride feels like an eternity, when I see the hospital I throw all the money in my wallet at the driver. My hand is on the handle when we pull up at the front and I'm out the door before we're fully stopped. I slam the door behind me and sprint into the building.

"My names Chris, Chris Kendall, I'm here for Phil Lester." I blurt out as I reach the front desk. I fumble around my wallet for ID, when I finally find it I shakily place it in front of the lady sitting behind the desk.

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