Chapter 19: Sometimes You Gotta Bleed To Know

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A/N: Sorry for another short chapter guys, the next two chapters will probably be quite short also but hopefully the ones after will be regular length. Anyways, we hope you enjoy this chapter.

~Elizabeth💕 and Reem🌺

Phil's POV

"Hey, guys." I wave at the camera while trying to keep a smile on my face. It's extremely difficult considering the story behind this video. They don't have to know those details just yet.

"So I know I haven't uploaded in a while. Sorry about that. It's just a lot of things have been going on in my life lately that I'm not quiet ready to share with you yet." So far so good. I can feel my eyes start to get sore from holding back tears that threaten to expose themselves, but I manage to control them.

"Some things for the better, some things not." I think about what I just said and take a deep breath in. "I'll edit some of that out." I take another breath but this time it's jagged, out of control. I can feel myself falling apart but I decide to continue with the video.

I momentarily look over at my phone and wonder if Dan is paying attention to what I'm saying.

"Anyways, I- I'm making this video to tell you guys that I'm fine and you don't need to worry about me." I have Dan now... I'll be ok. I will be.

My attempt at self reassurance fails and a tear falls down my face and continues to fall to the floor.

My ears start to ring a bit as more and more tears escape my eyes. I can hear Dan calling my name from across the room but I remain curled up.


   After a while, the tears stopped running from my eyes and I pulled myself together.

"Phil? Are you ok, are you- is there anything I can do?"

"I'm fine Dan, really. I feel better now." I give a genuine chuckle to prove to Dan, and to myself, that I'm really ok.

We talked for a while, cracking jokes, telling stories, enjoying each others company. I decided to try again with the video and after a few tries, I finally got enough good footage to make the video.

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