Chapter 32: Perfect Harmony

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Phil's POV

   My flat has seemed more like a home since I got back with Dan. We've been staying in a lot, not that I mind. I enjoy spending time with Dan. It's even better now that I can see him rather than communicate with him through a phone. I guess it was sort of like a long distance relationship, except we were with each other. I don't know what would be worse.

Now I can see his cute dimples when he smiles. I can hear every little bit of his laugh. I can see the birth marks that are scattered across his skin. However, when I look at Dan I can't help but think of the similarities he has with Chris. His brown hair that's almost identical to the colour of Chris'. The way his eyes twinkle and curl up at the edges when he laughs. The way he slightly grabs his stomach when he laughs too hard. The way his legs loosely hang off the couch when he sits.

I also notice how Dan is unlike Chris. How he always stays as close to me as he can. The look in his eyes when we're together. How Dan fills me with a warmth different from how Chris made me feel.

Anyone has the capability to hurt me like Chris did if I let them. I've definitely let Dan get to a point where he could hurt me. Maybe even more so than Chris did. I don't want to experience that type of pain ever again. Hopefully I'm not wishing against the inevitable.

Dan's POV

I notice Phil looking at me and I focus on his face without looking directly at him. He has a sadness in his eyes that only appears when he's thinking of Chris. I wish he never had to experience what he did with Chris. I wish I could take it all away. But I can't. But I can try and keep his mind off of Chris. Make him as happy as he can be, at least for now. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and gently pull him closer. I can feel him smile against my chest and that brings a smile to my face as well. Phil wraps his arm around my waist and breaths an "I love you" into my shirt. I bring my head towards the top of Phil's and whisper a soft "I love you" back.

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