Chapter 12: Happiness in Misery

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A/N~ Hey guys, so we finally got back to our regular posting schedule! We literally just finished editing this now... but hey, at least it's up. Anyways this chapter is a bit shorter and sort of a filler. Hope you all like it and we will be uploading again next Friday!!

          ~Elizabeth💕 and Reem🌺

Phil's POV

   When I come to, I am instantly greeted with the steady sound of beeping, a heart monitor. I'm in a hospital. My breathing is steady and my memory of recent events is hazy. I remember I was meeting with Chris at our café. Well, not really ours anymore. Chris and I were talking and I don't remember anything else. I open my eyes and beside my bed I see a person sitting in the chair all hospital rooms have. I slowly turn my head to see who it is. It's Chris.

When he sees I'm awake he looks at me, his face covered with guilt. His eyes, usually so happy are filled with sadness and regret.

"How did I get here?" I ask him, my voice a bit hoarse.

   Chris hesitates and when he speaks he avoids my question. "What's the last thing you remember?"

"I remember we were talking at ou- the cafe. What happened after that?" I ask him.

"You blacked out on me. The doctors don't know why yet but they say we are lucky I got you here when I did."

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For bringing me here... for maybe saving my life."

   After I said that Chris went silent.

"Umm, don't mention it." He says after a bit of thought.

It's quiet between us for a while but beside Chris, on the floor I notice a closed box.

"What's in there?" I say tilting my head in the direction of the box.

"Oh that," Chris leans to pick it up, "While you were out I went by your flat to pick up a few things."

He starts to open the box and I remember about Dan. I feel my heart rate speed up and the monitor attached to me starts beeping quicker as well.

"Hey, is my phone in there?" I ask, my words jumbled together.

"Phil, hey, calm down. I know you can't live without your phone, it was the first thing I grabbed." Chris says with a laugh, he pulls out my phone from the box and reaches over to hand it to me.

"Thank you." I whisper as I take my phone and Dan into my hands. Chris nods signalling that he heard me.

Just as the silence was starting to become awkward a nurse walked into the room, Chris and I both look up to see an average sized woman, about 25, with fair skin, olive green eyes and medium brown hair. She was wearing blue scrubs with a name tag on it. Her name is Susan.

"Oh good you're awake, I just came in to check on Chris here. You're lucky to have someone like him in your life." Susan says with a smile on her face. She seems like a happy person, I wish I was that happy. "But now that you're awake, how are you feeling? Do you remember anything from before you blacked out?"

"Umm, no, the last thing I remember is meeting with Chris at a cafe downtown."

"Ok," Susan looks down at the clipboard in her hand. "While you were out we took a quick scan of your brain and everything looks normal. Could your blacking-out be stress or panic related?"

I pause for a moment, not sure how I should respond. I shouldn't lie but I can't let Chris know how much he has effected me.

"I'm not sure."

Susan then turns to face Chris.

"I know you weren't there when he passed out, but do you know what could have caused this? We need to know anything that can help us figure out what happened with Phil, it would really help him."

   Chris looks at me, his expression filled with concern and confusion. Is he going to say it? He raises his eyebrows just slightly, as if to ask me if I'm ok with him saying... That we broke up. I swallow and nod slightly. He turns his head away from me and back to Susan.

   His mouth hangs open for a few seconds before he says something. "Um. Phil is, I'm sorry... was my boyfriend. But then we uh- we broke up. Well, I broke up with him. He didn't seem to take it so well."

"Oh, um. Chris do you mind if I talk to Phil alone for a minute." Susan says, her normal cheerful voice is now dripping in sadness, pity.

   Chris stands up from the chair he was sitting in, "I'll just be outside." He walks out the door and closes it behind him.

   When the door closes the weight returns to my chest and I feel like I'm going to break down. Susan turns to me and gives me a look of sympathy, pity, sadness. I don't have to tell her anything, she already knows.

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