Chapter 28: Turn The Tide

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A/N~ We are soooo sorry we forgot to update on Friday!!! Here's the chapter. Sorry it's a bit late 😬

       ~ Elizabeth💕 and Reem🌺

Dan's POV

   I can't believe Deliah isn't there. She's always there. How could she not be there? She had to have known we were coming. She's knows everything. She had to know. On the first day we met she told me that we had a connection. That she knew things about me without me telling her. She told me that when I came looking for her she knew.

Is she avoiding me? Is this part of her plan?

She wouldn't do that. Would she?

"Dan?" I hear Phil's voice through the microphone. I must be breathing heavily again.

"I'm fine, Phil. Really. Like you said, we will find her." I hope I sound reassuring.

"Ok. You know I love you." That little phrase brings a smile to my face and I can see that he is smiling too.

"I love you too, Phil."

Phil's POV

We decided to check back at the shop everyday. At first we thought she might be sick or something happened. But after five days with no changes to the shop, we started to loose hope. On the sixth day things in the shop looked like she might have been there but the shop was still closed. On the seventh day however, that's when things started to look up.

There was a sign placed on the bars that apologized for Deliah's absence and that she would be back in two days. I told Dan this and he seemed ecstatic. Two days until I can see Dan. Two days until I can hold him, cuddle with him, kiss him.

We returned back to the shop in two days when the sign said she would be back. Sure enough, the bars were off and the lights were on. I walked into the store, phone in hand. I started to look around to try and find the woman that put Dan in my phone to begin with.

After a minute of looking for her, I hear shuffling from behind me. I turn around to see a familiar purple, tubular dress. I recognize it instantly from the day I got my phone. This must be Deliah. She looks me up and down and her eyes gaze over to my phone. Recognition flashes in her eye and she steps towards me.

"You must be Phil."

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