Chapter 17: I'm Only Human

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A/N Wowza lots of drama going on back there on chapter 16, let's get away from that and read some nICE CALMING FLUFF. (Honestly we needed this right now, that last chapter was stressful). Sorry for being a day late, we don't have any excuses. But hey we hope you enjoy this! It was fun to write!

~ Elizabeth💕and Reem🌺

Phil's POV

Dan's words echo through my brain. I don't see. Well... I can't see really.

   I could describe it as everything around me going black momentarily but that felt inaccurate. It was somehow darker. The second I dropped I felt an engulfing feeling wash over me.

   It was darker than black, my whole world felt that way honestly... But then Dan came along.

"Phil, I am real! I'm human, and I love you!"

"I'm human, and I love you!"

That phrase echoed in my head, bouncing off everything like a pin ball machine.

"I'm human."

I guess I already knew that, it's just now he's said it. It really is true.

I continue drowning in blackness while that phrase keeps playing in my mind. I'm suddenly aware of an outside voice and my body shaking.

Slowly my eyes open and light from the sun causes me to flinch and turn my head.

I'm on concrete?

I turn back and see a woman around my age kneeling next to me. Our eyes meet and her face relaxes with relief.

"Oh good, you're awake. Are you ok? Do you need me to call the hospital?" Her words come out quick and I can barely understand her.

I open my mouth and attempt to sit up. It takes a few tries but I manage to sit in an upright position. I notice that I'm completely dry and my phone is by my side, seemingly unharmed.

"I- I'm fine. Just afraid of heights I guess." I try and chuckle but it comes out as a groan.

"Are you sure? I can call someone or the hospital for you." She reaches a hand out to me and I grab it.

We both stand up, my legs are sore. On the way up I grab my phone and hold it close to me.

"Thanks. I'm fine, really. How long was I out for?"

"About two minutes from when I got up here. You didn't look like you were out for long before then."

Dan must be worried. I need to talk to him.

"Ah. Well, thanks for the help. I best get home, take a shower or something."

"Alright, if you're sure. I guess you better be on your way then."

I awkwardly, half smile at her and head down the tower, phone in hand.

"Phil?" Dans voice came out of the phone a bit shaky, almost as if he was crying.

"Dan- Dan I am so sorry. I- I don't know what I was thinking. I-" I start to apologize but Dan cuts me off.

"Let's go home, Phil."

   The way Dan says home and my name side by side makes my stomach do that flippy thing. I nod silently and continue down the stairs.

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