Chapter Seven: Knowing Is The Worst Part

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Dr. Cane-guy hands me a robe because apparently the Dread Doctors don't want me to be cold, and I am greatful that I don't have to stay half naked anymore. Colby is being in a more monstrous mood than normal, but when I intervene between him and Brett, he looks at my stomach and growls but goes somewhere else. I've heard faint faint echoes of my brothers voice by the tunnels, and my hope grows more and more each day that goes by. I'm supposed to be one month but look almost three, amd this makes me think that they somehow sped up the infant's growth, or what my mother said was true. I may be pregnant with twins, and I hope that that's not true because I barely want to bring one child into this environment let alone two.

"Whatcha thinking about," Brett asks wrapping his arms around me and kisses my forehead. I say, "The fact that I'm bigger than I'm supposed to be." "Yea? Maybe we're having twins," he says slightly excited but scared at the same time. I nod and, "That is precisely what I was thinking. I'm also-." "The next in line most likely to have a set of twinsies," Colby smiles mischievously and takes a seat on the counter. I look at him glaring, "I see you remember that talk with my mother about being safe." "How could I not when she constantly reminded me," he chuckles softly. Brett says, "You never told me that you had a chance to have twins." "I didn't think that we were going to have a child or children at sixteen almost seventeen," I say, and my rage hits me out of nowhere like a bus. I push him off me growling, and Colby claps, "The mood swings begin. This is going to be so much fun." "Shut up, Colby," I growl and pick him up off the counter. He smiles and snickers, "You're eyes are so pretty red." "I bet you would look prettier in blood," I speak lowly throwing him into the wall. I jump onto the table crouching and glare at him, and he picks himself off the ground. Brett says, "Stephanie Camden McCall, you could hurt our child or children if you fight with Colby." "You tell her, Bretty boo," Colby says and turns laughing in my face, "Mama Steph doesn't have any regard for a child's safety when she is so blinded by her anger." I roar causing the Dread Doctors to com into the room, and Colby backs away from me.

"Sis," I hear Scott's roar echo through the entire place. I yell, "Bubba!" "Alpha-male near," Dr. Tube-trunk says, and I feel hope swell inside of me. Dr. Cane-guy asks, "Do we let them go?" The other doctors nod, but Dr. Tube-trunk suggests, "Aquire child after birth." Dr. Cane-guy nods, "Yes but release Beast too." "Are you serious? After all of the torture, you're letting me leave with Brett," I say angrily, and they just nod and step aside. Brett grabs my hand pulling me with him, and we end up navigating us out a different way than I escaped the last time because I don't remember how I got out the first time.

"I know they aren't going to leave us be because of what is growing inside of me," I say as the moonlight shines on us for the first in months. Brett caresses my cheek and says, "Stephanie, I am telling you right now that there is no way on Earth that I'm going to let them take our baby." "They were able to keep us locked up for months. How can we possibly save our own child if we couldn't save ourselves," I say, and helplessness washes over me, "I'm supposed to be a true alpha and be able to protect myself, my family, and my pack. I've only accomplished being terrible at those things." "You keep relying on only yourself, Steph. If you let the people around you help when something goes wrong, we would be able to do anything," Brett says. I cry, "I'm not used to letting people help me, Brett. I have been pushed away and abandoned so many times, and I'm constantly thinking, 'When is it going to happen?' I'm scared it's going to happen again." "Steph, just let me in," he sighs, and I look into his eyes. I say, "Only if you let me in too because we are both guilty of this." "You don't know what you're asking for," he says. I murmur, "Neither do you."

"Stephanie," I hear Scott yelling, "Where are you?" "I'm right here, Bubba," I yell. Stiles finds Brett and me first and runs to hug me, but I stop him saying, "Be careful." "Are you hurt," he asks spinning me around, "You don't look hurt." "I'm not hurt, but you were going to hug me really tight, and I'll tell you why you shouldn't do that when we get home," I answer, and he looks at me weird but looks at my stomach. His eyes get wide, "Steph? Is that what I think it is?" "We are not discussing this right now," I say, "I have been living with my worst nightmares for the past couple months." "I'm okay too," Brett says, "Thanks for asking." "You are not my favorite person at the moment," Stiles says narrowing his eyes at Brett. Brett looks away from him and says, "Understandable, but you also don't know what happened." "What did they breed you and give you hormones with potency stuff," Stiles raises his voice as Scott walks up. I state, "That is actually exactly what they did. They also let us go along with something that is what they would call the Beast. They also plan on coming after the child or children that are inside me after they born," I begin to get angry, "I was trying to wait until we got home and had everyone in one room to explain what is going on!" I take a deep breath and walk past them, and they stay there dumbfounded.

"Stephanie, your eyes are red," Malia says. I look at her and sass, "I would have never guessed." "I see you're you," she says as I get into the Jeep slamming the door. Liam scoots over farther away from me, and I look at him calming slightly, "I'm not angry with you, Liam." "You're eyes are still red," he says. I tilt my head, "I never said I wasn't angry." "You speak calmly with him, but I get sass. What is this," Malia yells outside of the car. I look at her, "What do you expect I'm hormonal, and I'm his anchor," I yell back at her. She looks at me weird, "How are you hormonal? I don't smell blood?" "I'm not on my period, Malia," I growl. Hayden gets into the Jeep next to me and hugs my shoulders, "Thank God you're okay." I get out of the Jeep and say, "I'm walking home." "You are not walking home. You are pregnant," Stiles says. I give him a death stare, "You didn't have to announce it, but thank you so much." I start walking in spite of him, and Scott calls for me, "Stephanie." "What," I turn roaring. He gives me a pleading look, "Please, get in the car." I start to feel ashamed out of nowhere and pout, "But everyone is going to stare at me." "No, they aren't," he says. I gesture toward the others, "They are right now." I start crying, "I'm fat and pregnant, and they keep staring at me all judgy, Bubba." "Guys, stop staring at her. She is already having mood swings," Scott says. I reluctantly walk back, and Brett stands next to me putting his arms around me.

Stiles drives us to Satomi's house, and Britney jumps into Brett's arms. "Brett," she cries, "You're home." "That's right, Brit," he say hugging her tight. She looks at me angry, and I just nod and walk outside. I shake from the sobs that rack my body, and Satomi sits next to me and says, "She is only angry because you were gone for so long and they took her brother with you." "I c-couldn't contr-trol that. It-It isn't like I-I asked for this," I say slamming my fist down on the concrete step breaking a couple of my fingers. I wince and set them, and she says, "I know, and I also know that your emotions are all over the place. She doesn't know about this." She places her hand on my stomach, and I wipe my face even though the tears keep coming, "She doesn't?" Satomi shakes her head, "Brett nor I told her. You and Brett should tell her together." "Tell me what," Britney asks opening the door. I pat the spot next to me, "Come sit down." "Brett come outside," Satomi says. Brett picks up Britney and sits her on his lap, and I hold her hand, "Sweetheart, I'm having... Well." "What Stephanie is trying to say is she is going to be a mommy and I'm going to be a daddy," Brett says. Britney looks at my stomach and squeals, "You're pregnant?" "Yes, I am," I say hastily. She hugs me, "I'm gonna have a niece." "Probably a nephew or plural," Brett says, and Mason walks up holding Corey's hand. I look at their hands then their faces asking, "How much did I miss?" "Quite a bit, but we'll tell you tomorrow because you need some sleep, and your parents know that you are coming," Corey says helping me up. I say, "This is going to be good and terrible at the same time."

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