Chapter 5- Outgoing Friends

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Chapter 5- Outgoing Friends



"Justin was really a crybaby," I told Ysabel.

"Yeah, you're right." She answered.

We have to make Justin happy. So he won't cry again. I get angry when he cries, it makes my ears hurt much. But I like my friends. They help me in my problems. 

When Justin is finished, we went back to our house. And you thought we're in the same room. Well, duh, we're not. 

This is more like a boarding house. But not really. Only our friends can get to live here, and nobody but them. Me and my friends aren't living with our parents anymore, but we sure miss them. We don't forget to get in touch with our parents and talk to them about what happened for the whole day. We're gonna be college students for the next 3 to 4 years, and that's why we're here, and so we don't needed some dorms. Or if we do. 

I sat on our couch and watched basketball replays with Justin and Kerby, while Ysabel and Leslie read books. 

"Justin, where do you want to go tomorrow?" I asked.

"I think I wanna go to the mall. And of course, eat!" Justin shouted.

"As usual. Eating," Kerby muttered.

"What?" Justin asked, raising his eyebrows. What a deaf.

"Nothing!" Kerby rolled his eyes.

We went to sleep at 12 o'clock midnight, so we have four hours and a half more to sleep. When I woke up, I checked my watch and it was just 3:34AM. I smelled something very yummy. I jumped up, and went to the kitchen to check what is it. 

When I saw the kitchen, all I saw was dirt (mixture of food. Eggs, meat..) and Justin.. I think.. cooked bacons for breakfast. And it almost got overcooked.

"Justin!" I yelled, "Why did you cooked the bacons? It's our breakfast!"

Ysabel and Leslie saw what happened, and they were so shocked.

"Sorry. I thought it was MY breakfast!" Justin explained, and we began to be furious.

Kerby woke up, the next thing we know. "What's going on?" Kerby yawned, completely sleepy.

"Your breakfast, huh? Dude, you are totally wrong." I told him. I already cooked our breakfast, for crying out loud! Fried rice, hot dogs, egg, vegetables.. 

"Whatever!" Ysabel whined, and we all ate our breakfast, except for Justin, of course, because he wasn't allowed to, and that he ate our for tomorrow's breakfast.

Luckily, it was Saturday. The day when we can do whatever we wanted. Go in the mall, shop for everything, sleep, eat, play, hang out..

"Who wants to go to the mall?" Ysabel cried, and we all raised our hands up in the air.

"Yeah. And let Justin pay for whatever we want to buy!" Leslie cried, and we all agreed. Except for Justin, who is frowning.

I saw Justin picking something from his pocket, and I bet he's got a lot of money. 

"Okay, fine. 1,000 [pesos] each. Okay?" Justin says, and we all agree to him.

"Mark your word, Justin!" Ysabel told him. Because Justin may be up to his old tricks again.

"Yeah, yeah." Justin moans, looking like he was so tired. 

Everyday, something bad or good happens here. Even they are always like that, they're still the coolest friends I've ever known in my life.


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