Chapter 10- The Cucumber Monster Attacks

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Chapter 10- The Cucumber Monster Attacks



Justin is in the hospital. I'll tell you the story later..

"What is it like being multi-millionaires" Justin asked while munching his MegaBurger with extra cheese and patty. He was wearing his sloppy shirt (as usual. He hadn't wash that shirt for 5 years! I wonder how he survived that. Hmm..) and his Barney pajamas.

"Dude, it's like we're rulers of this world." I said.

"Maybe I should buy the whole new Barbie Dream House, or extra dresses for Tia!" JM suggested. 

"What?! Barbies are for girls. Why not the new Sims Video game?" Kerby asks, as he picks his nose. (Besides, he always does it all the time whenever he's happy.)

"Oohh! I've got it!" Ysabel announced. "We have a new car!" 

Everyone cheered but I protested.

"Ysabel, didn't you even get your license yet." I snapped.

"Oh yeah. I forgot." Ysabel said sadly and sank back at the couch.

"Can't we just decide about the money tomorrow?" Justin said stubbornly.

Everyone agreed (counting me and my soul) about Justin's suggestion. Me, Kerby and Justin readied our beds while Ysabel gave JM some beauty tips..

Oh yeah, I almost forget to tell you why Justin ended up in the hospital. Okay it went like this..

Ysabel taught JM how to treat himself with a facial mask for 60 minutes. She taught him some tips and all that. Finally, JM chose the Sensational Watermelon Mask. He put the greenish, slimy mask on his face and close the lights, play his fave music (Ghost Inside Your Head by: The Tracks of My Spit), sat and slept in the massaging recliner.

Then Justin, went to the kitchen, stole a cookie from Kerby, drank 2 glasses of milk and was about to watch TV shows to put him to sleep in the living room (where JM is), then suddenly, Justin saw JM and thought he was a monster.

What did he do?

The little idiot screamed the living daylights out of Sleeping Beauty. His scream was darn loud and sounds like a six year old who saw a butt.

Then JM woke up and saw Justin. He panicked and got scared and grabbed Justin's arm.

BAD NEWS: That made Justin scream even louder!

I think Justin thought the cutie that he was the Cucumber-Eyed With Jelly Bean Face had finally come to his house and take his soul (by eating him since Justin, bit his finger back in Healthy World when he was 8.).

After that, Justin fainted and he can't find his voice anymore. Ysabel woke up and saw what happened, and that was as same as I did. 

I was spying on them when I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Kerby. He was holding Ysabel's video camera which I probably understood. 


Finally, Ysabel took Justin to the hospital and that pretty much cleared everything up. 

And that's how Justin ended up in the hospital and JM learned his lesson that he shouldn't wear facial masks ever again.

And once we uploaded the video, I'm pretty sure we're gonna be YouTube sensational hits again.


Guy Screamed At A Cucumber Monster



The next morning, JM and Ysabel were fighting. Why? Because JM is blaming Ysabel after that night. 


"No, it's not. I'm just trying to make yourself look fresh again." Ysabel defended herself. "Plus, what magic word?"

"PLEASE, Ysabel!" JM answered.

"Why, you snobby bobby!" Ysabel cursed.

The fight took 5 hours until JM decided to go to his room and write an insulting poem about Ysabel. Usually, when JM is mad at someone, he writes a story or a poem. Please, you don't wanna hear Kerby's. But I'll tell you the title: To Kill The Mocking Kerbyrd.

After that, I snuck to his room and dug his drunk drawer. Then I saw Ysabel's.

"There was a monster named Ysabel

Her face is so scary, it makes me scream and yell

The monster is so disgusting, it makes Justin hurl

And makes Godzilla scream like a girl.

The worst, of course, is her skin

The most horrible thing I've ever seen!

Her skin looks and feels like a rotten Jellybean 

And the color is olive green!

The color you turn when you ate a bug

of all the nastiest things I've saw, like rats or a slug.

'Barf, barf, fart fart!' Ysabel said

She thinks she is the monster under my bed

But she's scarier than that

More grossier than a cockroach or rat

She destroy city after city

And never gave the people some pity

From the red ants' home to the Roman coliseum in Rome."

Well, I can't tell you the last part. It's really scary and REAL GROSS.

But you get the picture, right?



This is one of the best chapters, even though the poem kinda insulted me. Anyway, that's what we do. Insult, prank and do funny stuff at each other.

-Nope. No changings. Except for the grammars. ;) 

-JM doesn't write insulting poems. He's not bad as that.

-It is not me and JM who's in war. It's Leslie and JM! JM was blaming Leslie for writing a chapter which included him with the facial masks and everything. Now I don't know what's going to happen between the two.

-I'm sure, if we posted a video like that, we're gonna be real YouTube superstars.

-If you have seen the things Leslie drew in my notebook with the story, I'm sure you're gonna laugh.

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