Chapter 6- Out In The Mall-- With Friends!

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Chapter 6- Out In The Mall--With Friends!



"Ugh. Are we there yet?" Leslie impatiently said.

Hearing Leslie's voice on the back seat, I said, "Maybe.", while driving the car.

After 25 minutes of driving (Whew!), we got to the Mall of Asia, and we're there to have fun this Saturday. We arrived at 8:31AM exactly, and my friends and I were so excited about it. You know why. Fun, food, shopping.. 

Entering the food court, Justin says, "Yahoo! Eating time!" though we haven't ordered something yet.

"Wait! Remember your promise, Justin?" Ysabel reminds. With an evil laugh after that.

"Yes, my friend." Justin says, as if he was talking with the finest men and women in the past centuries.

"I'm not hungry." Leslie says, touching her belly button.

"Me either." Ysabel agreed.

"Me three." JM said.

"Yeah, right, whatever. So.. where d'ya wanna go?" Justin asks.

"Where cool gadgets are." I say. Everyone agrees with me.

We have passed through food booths and restaurants, but we're still not hungry. Of course, it's just 9AM in the morning. 

Reaching the shop with cool gadgets in it, we entered and gasped about the amazing technology we have in this generation.

"Wow! Look at that!" I said, pointing at a 3D movie. 

"Yeah, but look at those music players. MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MP5.. Would there be MP6?" Ysabel said.

"Sorry, dearies. If you're gonna pick one and try to buy it, well, I'm sorry. We can't afford that much. Remember? Just 1,000 pesos?" Leslie reminds, and we all whine and moan. Except for Justin, who was busy staring at an XBOX 5000.

You think we didn't buy a single thing in that shop? Well, no. They actually added up their money which they have in their wallets and pockets, and picked up everything they could, sum it up, and cha-ching! They just shopped some gadgets.

We stopped by at KFC, and we ordered a bucket of chicken and rice, since we eat a lot, especially Justin. After stopping by at KFC, we went to the market inside and bought food and a lot of things that we are gonna be needing. For school, home..

We also stopped by at game booths. All of us tried bungee jumping. Except for Justin, who can't take the bungee jumping since he ate a lot, more than we do. And yes, he was pretty much of an overweight guy. 

We saw a game center, and played games there. Justin and I took a zombie killing game, which, in fact, scared Justin, whenever we face some boses. And shocking scenes. In the middle of the game, Justin and I lose. Yeah. We didn't finish it. So we only got 10 tickets (tickets that are produced here are for exchanging gifts and rewards).

Leslie, Ysabel and JM took a racing game, and Leslie won. Leslie got 25 tickets, while Ysabel and JM got 10. That was a cool racing game.

Justin and JM faced a basketball challenge, and of course, JM won and got 30 tickets. Yes, Justin was already tired in the middle of scoring 2 points in the second round. (The game has 3 rounds in all.) In total, Justin got 5 points while JM got almost 30 points. (Justin got 5 tickets.) Nice one.

Ysabel and Leslie took a dancing game, and Ysabel won and got 55 tickets. Leslie, meanwhile, got 20 tickets. The dancing game is pretty much fun, and I bet I can beat them up especially Ysabel!

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