Chapter 14- Leslie's Goodbye

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Chapter 14- Leslie's Goodbye



(Leslie's Note)

Dear Readers,

Unfortunately, things quite got messy. Me and John Michael are in a civil war/Student World War 24th and the only option I could think of is.. 


I'm quitting this group because of JM has gone quite bonkers and mad because he does not find the last chapter I wrote very "amusing."

So if JM's reading this, I don't care if you're gonna throw a party or something.

So.. HAHA!

He started making an alliance with this bullfrog named Justin.

Really, I don't believe Exploding Manure is real.

So there! That's another evidence that Justin is a weirdo!

I know I deserved that insult but I really got annoyed that he kept nagging me that I've done a bad thing even while test!

When the story was done, JM now teased me maximum to the max!

So I decided, once and for all,


But for you readers, I'll leave my last chapter.


First, before we start, I would like to say that whatever Justin and JM said are sooooo not true!

What!? Do you actually believe I got hit by a poop from nowhere, bump into a bee hive,

and worst,

got injured by a mine field from nowhere!? Chicken nuggets! ARGH!

What really happened is like this.. 

Justin accidentally stepped on a chocolate. Not POOP! He accidentally crashed a six year old girl's Honey Bee-themed birthday party and they all threw their honey balloons (not water balloons) at him.

Then, he went to someone's lawn, and suddenly, fireworks (not bombs) exploded around him. Did I mention that today is Chinese New Year?

LUKE UY: Kong hey fa choy?

MR. UY: No son. Kong hey fat choi!

It turns out, it was the Uy family's lawn. I heard Mr. Uy is really serious when it comes to Chinese New Years. And he always buys a hundred fireworks all made from China.

And I cannot believe Justin would make his story soooo dramatic and points it at me?!

How immature is that!?

And also, JM doesn't know who she's.. I mean.. he's dealing with! *EVIL LAUGH*

How about I tell a story about JM's favorite subject.. I'm Artemis and JM is Apollo. Chapish?


There was once a God and a Goddess who are twins, named Artemis and Apollo. They hate each other, so they love mocking at each other.

One day, when the twins are battling using a bow and an arrow, Apollo "accidentally" farted a fiery ball of gas coming out from his butt. Artemis laughed and called it, "Sun Fart" ('cuz it looks like a tiny sun).

Then, a scientist heard everything (technically, he didn't understand it.) and spread the news about the sun being a fiery ball of gas, not star.

And that is how Apollo became the God of the Sun, and that's how the rumour about the sun being a fiery ball of gas started.



-Nope, not already Leslie's goodbye. So... STAY TUNED for more Leslie. :D 

-Nope, Justin, JM and Leslie--all of them said the truth. From Leslie's bad luck to Justin's bad luck.

-From the past chapters, JM and Justin decided to draw and let people know how it looked. Like Leslie. You should see Leslie's. WAY MORE FUNNIER.

-I love Leslie's stories. A lot. :D 

-No, it's not Chinese New Year. It's just before Halloween.

-Yes. JM is into Greek and Roman mythology. He got hooked on Percy Jackson too :P

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