Chapter 16- The Weird World Of Boys

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Chapter 16- The Weird World Of Boys



Kerby is one of my very best friend, but he pranked me. I told Justin, "We need to declare a second civil war."

But Justin answered back angrily, "It's all your fault!"

"Oh I see, it's now my fault! Who do you think you are, brainhacker!" I shouted back, and the others heard me.

"Quiet, freaks!" they all said (except for me and Justin).

But we didn't stop.

It was 12 noon and I know Justin's hungry and I made a trap for him. While he was going to the kitchen, I shoot him with my chemicals and it became disgusting slime. Justin was angry. And I didn't know he has a paint ball gun and shot me in my eye (P.S, I got a black eye here!). 

"Oh, shit! Right, you brainiac! That's my eye!" I protested.

"Oh, sorry, I taught you were hit on your arm," Justin said.

I can't stop it. I put out my paint ball machine gun and shot him thousands of times. While Justin also shooting, and accidentaly hurted Kerby (what a clumsy idiot!). And he joined, telling, "That Justin! I'm not even involved but he shoots me!". And the fight was on! 

He shot Ysabel while eating and that made her furious, letting out her anger. And after eating, she joined me in my team for a painty war--revenge! 

(my team) (justin's team)

****| --------------- ---------|*

Until finally, Justin surrendered. The house was dirty and that's because of all of us, and so we decided to clean it up for four hours. (BTW, we fought for two hours.) 

When we finished cleaning up, I checked my wristwatch and it turned out to be 6 o'clock in the evening. Dinner time!

I know, Justin will eat our food, so we individually ate in our very own rooms and slept after that. BTW, Justin was incharged to wash and clean the dishes, since he lose!


Oh, a start of a beautiful day! And we went to do our daily morning routine. We ate, took bath, and I, in the other hand, fixed Kerby's laptop as I promised him. While the others were in their rooms, doing something.


"It's finished!" I sang, running fast to Kerby to tell the great news.

"It's finished and it's definitely working!" Kerby gasped, and the guy's pretty happy. "Thank you, JM! You're kind enough." 

"Kind is my middle name!" I winked.


"It's lunch and so.. let's go eat outside!" I proposed.

"That's a good idea!" Justin replied.

While Ysabel moaned, "Here we go again."


After reaching the fast food chain called, "Munch O' Rama," Justin ran fast in front of the cashier and ordered 5 chicken-rice meals for him. While me, I ordered a chicken mean and chicken fillet. The others ordered snack box with regular chicken meals.


After the satisfacting meals, we went to the zoo. And there's a lot of animals there. I remembered the last time we went to the zoo, Justin fell down while riding on an elephant's back.

It was kind of awesome being there, because you can take pictures and feed them unlike the others.


After all the things we've done, we went back home. Justin and I played WarCraft III, while Justin played with his Sims 3 in his laptop happily, and Ysabel did some uploading of our videos taken on the zoo.

After doing all those things, Ysabel called our attention. 

"Let's watch a movie!" She sang, as she gave us a sneak peek of the movie.

"The Grudge 10? The Girl In Black?!" Justin gasped, shaking in fear.

"Yeah. You scared?" Ysabel replied, raising an eyebrow.

"N-n-no! I'm a man!" Justin replied, trying to look like Superman.

"C'mon! Play it!" Kerby said, excited.

"Oomigosh!" Ysabel giggled, and played the movie.

Since the beginning of the movie, we started to shiver. We were sitting on the couch, and yes, we were in the living room. Ysabel was hugging a pillow, making a, "A man, eh? We'll see about that!" face to Justin before turning off the lights.

There was a huge shock, which made Justin hug me, and I shook him away from me, furious.

"Sorry!" Justin mumbled, scared.

"Go to your Momma!" I mumbled back, annoyed.

Justin begun to get his teddy bear, which he found in the couch, and it was barely not seen for days. Thank goodness he found it, because if not, we'll be his teddy bears. 

Every part of the movie is kinda creepy. Everyone was scared, except for Ysabel, who seemed to be enjoying the movie, who would just close her eyes when she knew there would be some shocking parts.

Justin hugged his teddy bear tighter that his teddy bear would explode any time. Kerby looked numb and paralyzed, while I sat at the middle of the boys for protection. 


Justin looked upset at all, shaking like he was really a crazy person. His face looked like disaster too, after crying like a baby. I thought he was a man! Nah, whatever.

After the movie, it seemed Justin can't go to sleep, because someone knocked on my door. I opened it and it was Kerby.

"This guy needs a new roommate to sleep with!" Kerby said, looking annoyed. "He told me he can't sleep because of the movie that's making him dream of nightmares, and when I let him, he started to get me feel annoyed while sleeping. He crushed me!"

"And then?" I said.

"The next thing I know, I was facing his butt! And yes, he was having chicken dreams again. AND THIS GUYS IS PRETTY ANNOYING. Now all I want is a good night sleep, so I'm letting Justin to sleep with you. Justin can't sleep with Ysabel at all anyway, because Ysabel might get mad and yell at us." Kerby added. "Now go on, and shoo-shoo!" Kerby pushed Justin away, and Justin acted like a 6-year-old.

"Daddaaa!" Justin squeaked, after a lightning striked.

Kerby sighed heavily and went back to his room. 

I looked at Justin, who looked like curious in the first place. And so, I let him sleep with me with RULES. First, he will just sleep fairly. He can't just sleep like it's his own bed. Second, he should never ever be noisy. Third, he won't act like a baby.

And I guess it wasn't too easy being roommates with Justin.



Sorry for the inconvience, but we have individual rooms :) But we still hang out in the other 3 rooms. One for the girls', one for the boys' and one for all :) and the other 6 rooms are for all of us. :D So, there's really a lot of rooms in our "house" (which is a pretend house in reality, and a real house in the story), and be careful not to get puzzled :) and yes, we have a big house. And we're pretty rich ;D

*This is dedicated to boys, who are far weirder than of girls ;) 

**Yeah I know, JM. Some parts were edited, thanks to me :P SOWWWWI, bubby.

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